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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Why are libs so obsessed with Fox? Recently MSNBC added Ed Schultz, giving them a SOLID liberal slant from 5PM-12AM. I could give a !@#$ less. Meanwhile, Palin joins Fox and the libs go batschitt. But while we are having fun with the media, lets discuss MSNBC's tendency to lecture us about race and the composition of their lineup: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3096434/ns/msnbc_tv Thats whiter than a knitting bee in Nebraska. Last time I saw that much paste was in 3rd grade art class. Thats so white Wonder Bread is jealous. OK, Ill stop.
  2. Frazier. Comes from the Dungy coaching tree. Lots of experience in the league.
  3. A lot of blacks doint dig on Barry becuase he aint dark enough. At least thats what Ive heard...Im just a cracka.
  4. Frazier's resume is very nice. If the Bills didnt spend the last decade wallowing in incompetence and a rolling door of coaches, he would be great.
  5. So Republicans must accept the racist label thrown on them and must "get over it". Thats !@#$ing ridiculous. Of course, f someone even suggests that a modern Democrat has an ounce of socialist tendencies in their ideology, thats bad right?
  6. I guess all you idiots failed to note he turned down the Seattle interview, too. Ya know...that team out there that plays in wonderful weather, with a bad ownership situation controlled by a bitter guy with no money and is "cheap."
  7. Im sorry, last I checked right now Rudy Guiliani is a private citizen and not running for public office. But nice try. And I like your little spin.......According to you, the right wing are lapdogs of Fox News and Limbaugh, but the left just ignored MSNBC and the likes of Olbermann and Garafalo. Thats comedy gold right there. The POINT was....pundits on both sides of the aisle play the same game and use the same types of spin. I can pull out, if I wanted to, a billion stupid little statements like Rudy's some left wing nimrod made. And vice versa.
  8. Whoops! Youve got your head up your ass as much as Rudy does http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard...black-president Youve been teabagged, RI. How does it feel?
  9. "No attacks under Bush" "The tea parties are full of ONLY white males who hate Obama becuase he's black." Someone [with a brain] point out the difference.
  10. "No attacks under Bush" "The tea parties are full of ONLY white males who hate Obama becuase he's black." Someone [with a brain] point out the difference.
  11. Cowher is 2-6 in the AFC Championship, blowing two of them at home. Im just sayin' And with thatsaid, I,too think, no matter how much promise Frazier brings, the Bills are in the position to HAVE TO go with someone with previous HC experience. They do not have any record of success or capital with the fan base to say "trust us". They need someone who KNOWS how to get it done and if noting else, has proven he canbuild a good, successful NFL program.
  12. Dungy on WFAN said he thinks Frazier will be a very strong HC. Given the other HCs that have coached under Dungy and done good things, I put some...SOME stock into that reccomendation.
  13. Thats kind of funny. Id rather be a teabaggER than teabaggED.
  14. Im not going to excuse some of the behavior. But as LA pointed out, AS LIKE WHEN A LEFT-SIDED PROTEST ATTRACTS THE FRINGE WEIRDOS, the right-sided ones do, too. Like the Larouche nuts. RThats part of the protest game. You have to expect and account for that. As far as the town hall meetings. Again...not very cool. But Ive been to town halls to discuss such "hot topics" like variances for multi-use bike paths and have seen similar behavior from some folks. So again...such behavior is part of the deal with meetings like that. its not right...its ugly...but its an aspect of it thats real, regardless of the subject or idealogy in play.
  15. Its like raaaaaaaaiinnnnnn....on yer wedding day!!!!!!! Sing it with me. We tried to give you some of the logic and reason behind the movement, you dumbass and instead you shut your ears and pounded out THIS bull ****? Good grief. Seriously, Gene...agree wit hwhat we told you or not.....to really think what you just wrote, especially in light of a few attempts to explain it all to you, is just the absolute HEIGHT of ignorance.
  16. Dude, you are DEAD ON with that last point about getting educated. I left that out of my rant. Sometimes these folks are getting their info with a bit too much of the "red meat" type of stuff (see: Coulter, Ann and Limbaugh, Rush). But they are in at least a basic way tuning in, picking up books and getting info about what goes down with our decision makers and legislators in DC. And they are NOT digging it one little bit.
  17. Youre right...perception is NOT always reality. SO TELL YOUR !@#$ING HEROES IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND CONGRESS TO PROPERLY DESCRIBE WHAT THE !@#$ THEY ARE DOING. MAYBE if those "imbeciles" were provided with an open an honest account of what the health plan is all about and what it will TRULY mean to them, financially and in terms of care, instead of the generalities they have been given...maybe if Barry the magic big eared wonder KEPT to his promise of an "open discussion" of the plan's negotiations instead of kowtowing to Botox Bimbo's and Dingy Harry's demand for closed door meetings, people whould not be scared off their ass to the point of doing something they have never even dreamed of doing like jumping a bus and going to a protest in DC. I know some folks who have gone to the rallies. I do think some of what they think is good ole American overreaction to a percieved threat that may or may NOT exsist. But I also know they arent going becuase they belong to a party or becuase they dislike Obama. Or as you love to think...are "racist." They arent even into politics or causes. Some of them VOTED for Obama. They are motived to go becuase they are absolutely scared shitless becuase they are in their older years, need good med coverage and have no idea what kind of care they will get under this plan or what it will cost them...BECAUSE YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS IN DC WONT OPEN UP AND CLEARLY TELL THEM. So get off your !@#$ing high horse and have some of that "open debate" you pride yourself in THINKING is a hallmark of your ideology.
  18. I wonder how many insurance plans are "Cadillac." Im thinking moire or less ALL of them. I know deductables differ from plan to plan, but I dont know of a health plan that doesnt cover more or less everything. Im thinking even using the term "Cadillac" is a bit of a ruse to get the middle class to think that this tax on these "Cadillac" plans wont effect them....becuase the middle class doesnt drive Caddys. But in fact, having strong, full coverage plans are the hallmark of anyone *I* know who has a job....white, blue or any other color collar.
  19. Id rather have a new Cohwer new link than another thead whining about how the Bills organization sucks BEFORE THEY EVEN DO ANYTHING.
  20. You !@#$ing watch...the ultimate insult is going to be that the Bills are going to get good...and blow a yyyyyyuuuuuge game due to a bad punt.
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