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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Nobody will coach here becuase the entire NFL plays the Tampa 2 and RW heard the fans dont like that defense.
  2. Danny Glover Haiti. As that fat !@#$ lapping twat Rosie likes to say "Google It"
  3. Id like to see a head coach brought in who runs the tampa 2, doesnt wear a headset but wears a headband and gloves. That would make 3/4 of WNY's head explode.
  4. How are Rush's comments any different than liberals talking about how Bush cared more about Iraq than New Orleans? Or how he hates black people? "Chocolate City", anyone?
  5. No....but it would be nice if the World stopped with the stand up rounds of applause for every tin horn dictator that finds a podium and screams about "The Great Satan."
  6. President Obama will pledge $100 Million to Haiti today. World will resume the "Death to America" chants tomorrow.
  7. If this statement goes back to the Amish, youre missing the point that the Amish will REFUSE getting help from the government in ANY form. They arent paying for it becuase they wont use it. Ever. They will get their own care and pay for it out of their own pockets. And if someone gets sick and cant afford the care, they have a community fundraiser to get the money. Pretty slick, huh? What youre missing is that NOBODY NEEDS "health insurance" to get health "care." ANYBODY can get ANY health care they need. Right now. Paying for it is the problem. But people should be able to walk in and pay cash for their care if they have the means and should not be FORCED into a government program. Its optional and should stay that way. There should be a clear opt out for those who have the means to pay for their own care out of their own pockets.
  8. The Amish HAVE TO be able to opt out. They opt out of mostly ALL government services. They have a special deal with the feds and local govt and always have. Accepting govent helth care is not just a violation of a small "rule" in their faith. It runs counter to EVERYTHINg they beleive in. And UNLIKE most turds who got their hands out....they opt out of govt services AND provide for THEMSELVES. What a concept. I got no problem with this. I dig the Amish in a big way. They are family oriented, TOTALLY self sufficient, and when it comes to religion, they dont make you join it UNTIL youre an adult (Anabaptist). They encourage their teenage children to leave the Amish community, experience the modern world for a time and THEN make the decision to go forth with the modern world or stay with the Amish one. And even better, if you DO go with the modern world, youre not outcast from the family or community one bit. The ONLY time a family member is outcast is if s/he decides to lead an Amish life and then at some point bails on it. Pretty cool and forward thinking. And that Ms. Hamilton has some set of balls on her. The govt has about a billion special consessions for the Jews so she has ZERO right to get on other religions for asking for the same. Just a few weeks ago, the city of NY tore up miles of bike lanes on Bedford Ave in Brooklyn becuase the Hasidm there claim seeing cyclists with bare legs violated their sensibilities. And the Amish dont SHUN health care. They just dont want the gubmint to help them pay for it. So she needs to shut up.
  9. Acutally, I cannot stomach Rex Ryan and his trash talking. But ON THE FIELD, you cannot dispute hes got the Jets franchise heading in the right direction.
  10. Theres a fat guy down here in NYC who was a long time coordinator with no HC experience and took a disaster of a franchise to the playoffs in year one of his tenure, and now has that franchise poised for a lot of future success. Im just saying....... I wanted an experienced guy, too. I dont know why Billick isnt even being considered (did he ALSO say no?). But if the Bills are just downright FORCED to go the "coordinator" route, so be it. At this point, it seems that might be their only choice.
  11. YOU are the guy who is all pissy over the ONE News Outlet running content and opinion counter to what Dear Leader and his minions want us to be spoon fed....the PONE outlet who is a voice of opposition to the norm and WE are the sheep? Thats comical. And asking someone to substantiate accusations with proof is not a "defense." "Defending" would mean someone leveled an accusation...BACKED IT UP WITH SOME PROOF OR TESTIMONY........and THEN someone would counter that with proof or testimony of their own. We cant do that becuase connor is a kitty.
  12. This guy: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30031533/ Who, on his MSNBC page, refers to Rush as a "psycho", has the usual anti-Palin circle jerk, and other left wing talking points. But Fox is the classless, biased network. lol.
  14. Dont give us websites. YOU YOU YOU cite examples of: 1. Fox "lying" 2. Fox engaging in things the other two cable networks do not. And one more thing...we want examples from their hard news coverage, NOT from their opinion shows or programming. So quotes from Hannity, OReilly, Beck, etc are out of bounds. Those shows are OPINION and do not fall under the banner of "news reporting." And i have to ask again...why do you (the left) pull your hair out over Fox. They are a right leaning news organization. If the left doesnt like them, then they should watch programming that fits better with their sensibilities and grasp on reality. Like Sesame Street.
  15. Better...prove Fox engages in tactics the other two cable networks do not.
  16. GREATEST, MOST FUN VIDEO GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. So they go ahead and hire the first guy they see...and we whine about it or They are thorough and interview a lot of people....and we STILL whine about it.
  18. He uses Huffington Post and Media Matters as the benchmark to point out "lies" on Fox News. You cant make it up.
  19. Those are typos, you nitwit. And to think when the run a story....to think running a "D" instead of an "R" for ONE out of probably hundreds of times they will flash the guys name would somehow "convince" the audience hes really a Democrat is ridiculous. Years ago (and even now) newsprint ran corrections for these types of things. But in todays world, the common news error now equates to "lying" Holy hell. Bet you LOVE it though when someone on MSNBC or CNN says "teabagger." Thats a real professional tone, right?
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