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Posts posted by RkFast

  1. Or maybe because his parents are from the islands? Or maybe because he wore a hoodie? Or maybe your dislike for people grows in proportion to the darkness of their skin.



    See you just lost the argument right there.


    Becuase "black people wearing hoodies"....despite what "the media" tells us....is the EXACT description of the apperance of people committing crimes in this neighborhood, according to reports. Listen to any police scanner in a major city and....no matter what Al Sharpton tells you...you WILL hear "black male, 20's, wearing a hoodie" crackle across the airwaves every fifteen minutes.


    Does that mean its fair that those wearing hoodies be targeted? Of course not. Its a common piece of clothing. But can we at least be honest about the fact that Treyvon fit the description of past criminials in this complex Zimmerman was "guarding" to a "T"? Right or wrong, he did and Zimmerman acted on that.



    Ever notice how "fair share" only goes one way? That the rich have to be fair to the system and pay more to be "fair", yet somehow putting limits on a welfare queen (sorry, honey...if you can afford a 56" LED TV, you can afford milk and eggs) or asking a CSEA employee to kick in 1% toward benefits or telling an illegal immigrant they cant have the same access to public services a taxpayer does (free tuition for them but I gotta pay??!!??) is off limits.


    How does that work, exactly?

  3. I started and locked the thread..because I felt like it and I'm not a moderator... go ahead and get your panties in a bunch over this highly important debate. That wasn't the intent of the thread I started. Flame away!


    Hey man, we are just debating the race. Thats all. And it wasnt much of a "race" to debate, so we are on to the other topics of the event.

  4. For some reason, the other thread was locked. Not sure why, the debate was fine and civil.


    IMO, she ran a good race, but I dont see where the "history" is here as far as women participating in motorsports is concerned. As I pointed out in the other thread, there have been a lot of other women in NASCAR over years, dating back to 1949. Further, women in other pro motorsports, namely NHRA Drag Racing have accomplished MUCH more than Patrick has AND in less time and with fewer team resources. IMO, shes a media creation.



  5. Nascar Sprint Cup is a bit different though don't you think?


    Whats "different" about it? Both are the professional classes in their respective categories, racing against the best competitors in National events in front of tens of thousands of fans and broadcast on national TV, using the absolute best equipment out there, with major sponsorships bankrolling the sport and the individual competitor's operations.


    No, there arent many women in NASCAR at the moment. But there have been quite a few before Patrick. Again, she ran a good race yesterday. Started at the pole and stayed in the front the whole way. She did good. But shes NOT the pioneer many are making her out to be, Im sorry.

  6. if you aint first youre last.




    Ive been watching women kick butt and take names in NHRA for decades. Ive seen them win events, Championships, etc. In every class of the sport, too. In the biggest and smallest events. And some with a paintless car (ie sponsorless). So to this observer, Danica being in first for a few laps and coming in 8th at Daytona, while nice, isnt something to wet my pants about. Wake me up when she actually WINS something.

  7. when you make history, for instance becoming the 1st woman ever to lead the Daytona , to say its not historical doesn't even make sense,


    sorry Charlie...


    Your idea of "history" is leading for a few laps.


    Mine is actually winning the event.


    I guess we have a different concept of what makes a good accomplishment.

  8. Danica Patrick was racing with the best race car drivers in the world on the most prestigous track on the circuit. A woman going head to head and holding her own in a mans world..


    To down play her accomplishments yesterday shows just how much you know about racing


    Excuse me?


    First of all I said she ran a good race. I just dont think what she did was "historic" in any way.


    Second of all I gave you real examples from other professional racing categories to illustrate how the way Patrick is portrayed in the media is out of kilter with the reality of her actual results, especially when looked through the prism of other women drivers and their accomplishments. So please explain how giving these examples shows I know nothing about racing.

  9. Loved the stories this AM about how Danica "made history." What a joke. She did nothing out there. Ran a fine race, no surprises and held her own. But "history?' Please.


    Meanwhile, no fewer than FIVE women started in the three pro classes in NHRA yesterday, with Erica Enders winning Pro Stock and last week, Courtney Force winning Funny Car. AND they managed to enter and win without making sleazy TV commericals or acting like a primadonna to the press.


    I get that NASCAR is bigger than NHRA, but the slobbering over Patrick minimizes the accomplishemnets of other women drivers...and worse, ones that actually WIN every now and then.

  10. i don


    i don't expect biden to be an expert on shotguns anymore than i expect dick cheney or sarah palin to be. which one of those 3 shot a friend in the face? the point is, the use of a shotgun for self defense is recommended by many well versed law enforcement groups and individuals.


    Then Plugola should have cited law enforcement instead of coming off like a know it all blowhard.


    Even Trident had the good sense to cite "4 out of 5 Dentists" when it came to use of their product.

  11. Some Americans take offense to being told what they can and cannot do or own... I get that... but they do have to realize the are not on the side where the support is- while Joe is often the punching bag of most conservatives, his statement is probably in line with popular public support of gun control measures.


    http://www.gallup.co...rder - Politics


    Not to use an old cliche but the "masses" loved Hitler and slavery at one point, too.

  12. my handgun instructor (a staunch republican) told me exactly the same thing. he said if i was getting a handgun for home protection i was far better off just getting a shotgun. he said you are NINE times MORE LIKELY to be injured by your own handgun than you will ever use it for actual protection. he also said when using a handgun for defense you are highly likely to miss your target even if you fire multiple rounds and even from relatively close range


    so really those complaining about joes good advice are really just using this issue to say they hate democrats. i wish they would just come out and say that instead of muddying the waters on this important issue with empty partisan bullsh


    Thats the same simpleton thinking that gets us "youre a racist!!!!" if you say anything against Obama.


    I hate to wake you up, but politicians ignore the fact they agree with their rivals and bash them on the issue anyway pretty much on a daily.


    Nobody likes getting advice from people who dont know what the !@#$ they are talking about, yet act as if they are, even if in the end they are correct.


    Its pomposity in its purest form to do so.


    So unless Hairplug Joe has some stats from experts on gun handling, hunting, and home crime to cite to back up his rant, he should shut the !@#$ up.


    Its like some blowhard car salesman giving you tax advice at a cocktail party. Even if hes right, hes still annoying the **** out of you. And if you then go over to your wife and say "Hey, Joe over there, a car salesman, said we should refi the house!", your wife would say "Put the beer down and call our accountant for tax advice, you moron."

  13. Frankly, a shotgun should be a first choice for home defense, at least in my situation. What some of us take exception to is how he, and the rest of this administration, are constantly trying to tell us what we do and do not need. While I understand most of their kool-aid supporters require direction from them, the real world does not, so I suggest he say "A shotgun is a good choice for home defense because under duress it helps to take complete accuracy out of the list of things you need to have to defend your home" and then move on to the next question because, honestly, no one really gives a crap what Biden or Obama thinks we "need."


    You mean you dont like like getting told what you "need" from one guy with fake hair and fake teeth and another guy who spends $1,000,000 to play golf with Tiger Woods?

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