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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. See, this is the stuff that drives me nuts. Vrabel? Hes McDermott, just a foot taller and ten thousand times less of a decent human being. You want to fire the coach, knock yourself out. But be ready to "waste" another year of Josh while the new coach puts his program and regime in place. Also, if you go the hotshot young gun new HC, be ready to also "waste" a few more years because the number of rookie HCs that won the Super Bowl is.....TWO. Again, Im totally fine with letting McD go. But this idea that we plug and play a new HC, especially a rookie one, and its "Super Bowl, baby!!" is just mindless.
  2. Hes goading you. Engagement = $$$. And negative hot takes = engagement.
  3. This bothers me more than Ticketmaster fees. At least there, Im getting something I never had before they were around. Access to any ticket, for any game or show, anytime. Those of us GenXers and older know what getting tixx for events used to be like, especially popular games and concerts. But now I can snap my fingers and have access to anything. So its a lot of $$ but theres a value there. Parking? Putting aside inflation, what am I getting for the parking markup Im paying now that I didnt get before, especially for playoff games? Zero. Same spot, same lot, same everything. Its a straight moneygrab.
  4. How like in Suits every colleague I work with is an 8, at worst. And I look perfect in a Tom Ford suit.
  5. I really hate "hot take culture."
  6. Im no pro, just an enthusiast but IMHO they need to stop with the 737. When they put the high efficiency wing on it it was a slam dunk and greatly expanded the airframe's capabilities and what airlines can do with it. But now, its been stretched and toyed with and altered so much that its a frankenplane that is not even aerodynamically stable on its own anymore and needs computer assistance (MCAS) to be so. The whole MAX concept was just a quick band aid to compete with the Airbus A320 NEO and it has failed. Of course, Im happy for you to tell me Im an idiot like DCTom would with regard to my opinion here. On edit… check out the responses to this post. Once the public loses trust, then the orders for new planes from that manufacturer stop coming in because airlines ain’t gonna take that risk. Boeing is in deep deep trouble.
  7. As I note above, there are some nasty rumors floating around with regard to this airline. Specificially that Alaska acknowledged the warning lights but kept it flying, just without its over water (ETOPS) certification. One REALLY nasty rumor is that they purposely didnt book the seats in the row this door plug is located on purpose becuase they knew the door plug was faulty. If so....WOW. Its one thing to not book a seat becuase maybe the seat belt or tray table is broken. Those parts fail all the way and literally nothing happens. But this WAY beyond that. And if true, IMHO the airline should have its certification pulled, which of course I realize would never happen. Becuase $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  8. If its Boeing, I aint going. That company is in complete freefall. Quick Summary Here: https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/08/business/boeing-safety-quality-problems/index.html Also...if some of the rumors of how Alaska Air handled this issue are true, its clear they learned absolutely NOTHING from their Flight 261 disaster (https://planecrash.fandom.com/wiki/Alaska_Airlines_Flight_261) and I wouldnt fly on that airline if it was the only flight available to my mother's funeral.
  9. So I dont have to listen to that blasted commercial for plaque psoriasis 2,000x a day anymore? Thank Dog.
  10. Walt Kowalski is my spirit animal. Sorry, not sorry.
  11. Youre one person. As I mentioned above, there are a lot of people in the older demographic that are not exactly tech saavy. And you have to be pretty tech saavy to get these services up and running in your home.
  12. Cost is not the issue as much as just access is. They can throw all the apps and QR codes at you on-screen they want. Unless youre mobile-tech saavy, forget it. Even for those of us who are...admit it...its often a giant PITA to get these apps to load up, set up an account, deal with the idiot two factor authentication, make sure youre wi-fi is on point, make sure your streaming device (i.e. Firestick) is up to date (and all the work to make THAT happen) if you dont have a SmartTV, deal with the username and PWs (which are often required to be more intricate than the launch codes), etc. Its a lot and the proverbial "little old lady" has virtually zero shot to make it all work right in time for kickoff. But then again, that little old lady doesnt spend a ton on "The Shield" so the league so it doesnt give a ***** about her anymore. Its gross.
  13. I have a similar story to this that I was going to add before but will so now. I was at a backyard party recently and over the firepit an old friend I havent seen and I started talking. He was telling me about his 35' boat he goes fishing with off Montauk and his 56 chopped custom Lincoln and all kinds of other stuff. Not bragging but just telling me about his life and toys. Then, we changed to discussing "hows the family" and he told me he hasnt seen his daughters from his first marriage for two years through no fault of his own. Wasnt a bad dad or a deadbeat. If anything, all that stuff hes got he worked his butt off for. But the marriage went bad the divorce was worse and his ex moved far away and blocked him from seeing his kids. And he told me its absolutely killing him. Everyone has their battles and pain. As Simon says above, you just do your best.
  14. "One day I feel I'm on top of the world, and the next it's falling in on me" - Neil Peart "Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying" - Andy Dufresne "Stop Whining!!!!!" - Detective John Kimble Sure, some "start life on third base" and all that. Some have better genes, some have better luck. But literally zero people have it great in life all the time.
  15. Thanks for the information. I knew you would clarify. Not sure I ever shared this one....THIS is an approach! Evidenlty, the pilot has quite a history as a mercinary.
  16. Is it me, or do all these videos of really rough approaches and landings come out of Europe? It seems most come from either Britain or Germany, Frankfurt airport specificially. Do they have different minimums in Europe than they do in the states? Or is the weather just worse? I would add to your other comments that what people dont understand is that that automated systems dont "fly" the plane. All they do is "hold" certain conditions the pilot tells it to. Hold an altitude or speed, or fly a certain heading, or follow a certain nav aide. And for driving, it will be the same. Its going to be an "autopilot" system that will operate the same way, but require the human to manage the system and take over controls in and around local driving and parking. Its also gonna need a dead-man's switch like a train that must be acknowledged every 30 seconds or so. Personally, I dont think it will catch on. The very first drive someone is "late" for something and their stupid automated car holds them to the speed limit and operates like an 80 year old nana is driving, they are gonna flick off that system and never use it again.
  17. Hey....cant blame him for being a little crazy on those shows. It must be stressful to be the QB, HC, GM and Head of Public Relations for a professional NFL team.
  18. There have been FOUR head coaches in the modern NFL free agency era who have won more than one SB. Belichick, Reid, Shanahan and Coughlin. Im not counting Jimmy Johnson, as his two Cowboys teams were built prior to the introduction of NFL free agency. So youre setting the highest of high benchmarks for McD, which really is unfair. Beyond that, there seems to be this pervasive thought in WNY that some sort of "perfect" coach is out there. Young, dynamic, and free of faults. We are looking for a unicorn here.
  19. I was just gonna say...receivers DO take a page. Any close contact for a ball, if it falls incomplete the WR is up and waving his arms looking for a flag. Every team. Every game.
  20. Phillips injured? Look...my shocked face. Ive pretty much had enough of Phillips. Hes either hurt, setting the team back 15 yards, yelling at other teams fans (not just in the Philly game) or waving his arms up and down like an idiot. No, I would not say any of this to his face.
  21. Thats a complete falsehood. He's jumped into more than one scrum. On the "flopping", I couldnt not care less what it looks like. Michael Jordan was notorious for playing the refs. Brady was. Lebron is. Before his recent crying sessions, did anyone give Mahomes hell for looking for a flag every single time he threw an incomplete pass? No. Josh would be a fool not to take what the refs are willing to give him. You know when what Allen does becomes "bad?" When it stops working. Unil then, he can be more dramatic than Liz Taylor as far as Im concerned.
  22. We have a Josh tree topper (https://www.etsy.com/listing/1093628634/buffalo-quarterback-jumping-over) and a bunch of random Bills ornaments.
  23. Then why fire McDermott? Just get him better players.
  24. You DO realize Andy Reid was McDermott before McDermott was McDermott, right? Belichick was fired from Cleveland.
  25. So McDermott is a "narcissist control freak" you say? Literally every football coach from little girl's flag teams through high school, college and the NFL is a "narcissist control freak." The classmate from 1986 that your friends picked to "coach" your annual Thanksgiving morning football game at your old high high school is a "narcissist control freak." In my experience with youth sports and of course from my school days and what I see out there in our society and culture, EVERY SINGLE COACH IN EVERY SINGLE SPORT ON THE PLANET IS A "NARCISSIST CONTROL FREAK." To one degree or another. Try again.
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