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  1. Legendary NYC broadcaster and fellow alumnus of my alma mater, Adelphi U. We both worked at the school radio station WBAU, at seperate times. Met Al at a station alumni event in 2019. Super sweet guy.
  2. Popping up on a podcast with sunglasses and a smug tone like Dirk Diggler after he was in the business for a few years. Reitering his demands and "standing on business" but "not trying to cause an issue." Either this guy, or his hotshot agent, is really stupid. Either way....bye Jimmy.
  3. This is what I came here to say. Once you punched your info into the NYS DMV to process a payment or to the IRS to eFile, access was given to your PII for every federal and state agency from Maine to Maui.
  4. Joey: Wait a minute. I know you. You're Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. You play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers. Roger Murdock: I'm sorry, son, but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdock. I'm the co-pilot. Joey: You are Kareem! I've seen you play. My dad's got season tickets. Roger Murdock: I think you should go back to your seat now, Joey. Right, Clarence? Captain Oveur: Nahhhhhh, he's not bothering anyone. Let him stay here. Roger Murdock: But just remember, my name is... [showing his nametag] Roger Murdock: ROGER MURDOCK. I'm an airline pilot. Joey: I think you're the greatest, but my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense. [Kareem gets angry] Joey: And he says that lots of times, you don't even run down court. And that you don't really try... except during the playoffs. Roger Murdock: [breaking character] The hell I don't! LISTEN, KID! I've been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I'm out there busting my buns every night! Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!
  5. Im talking about Butler the GM, not the coach. And I dont think its "whataboutism" per se. For me, its about putting in place a standard for individuals that does not make sense. Yes, as time marches on, society's tolerance for lousy behavior changes. But again...we cant pretend these guys are accountants, either.
  6. IMHO, everything went to hell when Old Country Buffet went kaput and took their world-class training with it.
  7. I recall an episode of "If the Walls in Buffalo Could Talk" podcast, where an assistant to John Butler was on and gave testimony that Butler literally destroyed the guy, regularly. You think this is limited to RI?
  8. I think its cute that so many think these players are upstanding moral citizens and comport themselves like accountants when the cameras are off and go to bed and say their prayers after games and...for Heaven's sake....NEVER did anything "questionable" in college. Was Richie on the bad end of the spectrum and probably deserved a kick to the head from Martin and a reprimand from his coach? Sure. But lets not pretend these guys are choir boys, tho OK?
  9. I hate how cramped the CRJs are and the fact that the carriers are pushing them on longer flights, but they are defintely fleet workhorses.
  10. So help me God, right down to the ground!!! My friend flies the Airbus for Delta and I asked him if they did Airplane lines on the flight deck and he stated “Of course, we do.”
  11. Some video coming out from another plane waiting to take off. The idiot pilot didnt "flare" the plane for landing AND didnt have the flaps down for landing. S/he just flew into the ground in a misconfigured jet. What basically happens is that a plane gets to about 10 feet above the ground, the pilot raises the nose slightly, cuts power back and the wings stop "flying" and the plane...usually gently...touches down. Im sure sherpa will quibble on the details here, especually being a former Navy guy (as he should), but thats the general idea. What appears to have happened here is that pilot didnt do that and just flew the plane into the ground, snapping the landing gear AND breaking the wing spar, which takes a TON of force to do. You can actually see the whole fuselage buckling and the wing spar snap.
  12. Really? The USSR "fell" in a military confict in 1990? Wow, thats amazing.
  13. Exactly...thats what they really want. So why offer this to them first?
  14. Yeah yeah...I know I have a better chance of being hit by lightning. But living in a place that, if the stuff DID hit the fan, I can perfectly and verbatim recreate the Sarah Connor scene in Terminator 2, Im more than happy to see the RU and the US restore dimplomatic relations and reopen comms channels. From what I read, ALL diplomatic channels,even the so-called "red phone" was shut down the last few years. Thats just insane.
  15. First of all, you cannot compare the Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq conflicts to the Ukrainian one, a conflict directly on the border of the RU with a country that up until 30 years ago was PART of the RU. Defeat for the USSR in those conflics or for the US in ours was NEVER going to result in the fall of the USSR or the US. Which...again...is what youre asking for now. Second, its the pro Ukrainian side that is stating that a Russian loss looks like the complete destruction of the RU and regime change. That is not going to happen. And yes...the fact that the RU is a nuclear power is part of the calculus as to why.
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