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  1. Great memories, all, Fratellone deficiente. Still, I think my favorite Bills memories, by far, are listening to Van call a game (any game, really) on that little black radio on a crisp autumn day while we were slinging a football around in the backyard or along the river picking apples. Hope your hand feels better...
  2. Don't forget about lost helmets...
  3. Well, as a regular participant of the old school chat room that can't be mentioned on this forum, let's just say I'll have my waterboard ready to go for next season, just in case... On the bright side, if things do turn out poorly, I won't have to alter my handle too much from "Richard Mauron".
  4. Point taken: it likely was Kelly or Dave Schultz or one of the other dozen or so assorted goons and thugs (thanks San Jose Bills Fan for dredging up some of those names) on that Flyers team getting his comeuppance in our backyard I do seem to have a vague recall of a real fight between Schoney and Clarke one time, however.
  5. Don't forget about going out to shovel driveways around the block, coming home 5 hours later, fingers and toes numb to the core, sitting in front of the register trying to thaw the aforementioned extremities, and shuffling through a stack of 30 or so singles to split with your brothers, thinking you really made a killing today... and snow football in the backyard with goal line plunges into the deep pile next to the pavement (watch out for the fake punt!)... and hockey on the narrow slice of ice that passed for a "rink" in the back of the yard that somehow, in our imaginations anyways, was large enough to allow for Gil Perreault end-to-end rushes, Rico Martin slapshots, and Sabres-Flyers brawls with Rick Dudley pounding the snot out of an uproariously laughing Bobby Clarke... Ahhhhhh that was, indeed, a great day. If only Jerry Butler hadn't had his career so abruptly ended by injury... sigh... See you in late August, big brother
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