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Everything posted by ScottyNorwood

  1. Thanks man, I think a variety of flavors is definitely a determing factor in a happy consumer. Anyone else? cmon guys hit me with it , I want to know what you want.
  2. lol, just trying to get an honest opinion from the consumer, contrary to popular belief we do care about our customers and what they think.
  3. I am the Master roaster for SPITZ sunflower seeds and would like everyones opinion on our seeds compared to Davids and Fischers. I know that Davids are #1 in the US but if you have not tried SPITZ please do and let me know what you think. If they are not available in your area please send us an email at altasun@altasun.ca and let us know so that we can make sure they ARE made available. We are a Canadian company but a great number of our seeds are grown in the northern US, Minnesota and the Dakotas. I think if you try them you will find our seeds are much bigger and much more flavorful, if not then please let me have your opinion. Who better to poll than the North American sports fans. Thanks, Wayne
  4. That was a great comeback, got anything to come back with that has anything to do with football, and doesn't make u sound like a twelve yr. old girl? C'mon Fez show me the KNOWLEDGE, or perhaps u have just shown me ur extensive football knowledge. ATTA BOY FEZ, ATTA BOY.
  5. I DID watch the game, I'll give u that he did yell at aiken from 20 yds away, did he get in Moulds face?Favre would have, Manning would have. If you believe that a missed FG is all that cost us the game then do I have a real estate deal for u. It seems to me that u r and have been for a long time been looking at Drew thru rose colored glasses and after all it is a free country, so go on billieving in Drew and casting off any ideas that Drew may be any part of the problem, but for me I'm simply not satisfied with mediocrity or perhaps less in Drews case. I do agree that a td would have been a factor in a positive result but a FG I guess iwill have to agree to disagree.
  6. It wasn't the FG that cost us. C'mon man . It should never have come to a fg against the Pitt backups, Drew should have hada career day with all that was on the line and playing against backups, he has NO HEART. DID he scream at anyone, did he show any emotion? Sorry Drew but you ARE the weakest link. GOODBYE.
  7. I don't think it should have come down to a field goal against apitts scrubs. I admit that Lindell sux but it should never come down to the FG. Just my opinion though. BLEDSOE sux, Moulds sux, Reed sux, but most of all Bledsoe sux. Cowher handed that to MM ona platter by playing his scrubs for almost 3 quarters, unfotunately MM handed it to DB and he dropped the ball(no pun intended), lol, even I suck.
  8. That hurts. By the way I am a big boy. Can't find any ammo to back your remarks . oh well. I'm not talking smack simply just fact, there was no way that we should have been beat by backups, DB should have had 300 yds. and 4 TD. So next time use your head before making such remarks.
  9. Souldn't have even come to a FG, it was PITTS backups for Fsakes Use ur head BOY.
  10. Have you heard of tuckin the ball and at worst takin the sack? Use your head BOY>
  11. Cowher hands us a glorious opportunity and Drew, Lindell, moulds and the offense will not take it. Don't rag on the D how much more do u expect from them? the only reason we were in any position to make the playoffs was the D. Drew didn't want to be on the field for more than 3 plays, the d can't play 9/10 of the game and expect to come out on top. Thank god for evans,mcgahee, and the defence or next year would not look so rosy either. GOODBYE DREW, and GOOD RIDDANCE.
  12. Why are we the only team that REFUSES to pull the QB. MM's gotta quit taken his balls to the chin and yank him the fk outta there.
  13. Watchin' Drew put on this Clinic. NOT.
  14. I'm actually the guest riders fan just forgot to log in. I grew up in Northern Saskatchewan and now call Alberta home but I just can't hide that rider pride. I have been a Bills fan since about '89, I don't know what put me on the wagon, coulda been Bruce, Thurman, Jimbo, Andre. I don't know but after watching that first game I was hooked and have been ever since.
  15. Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas.
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