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Everything posted by Adam

  1. It isn't just the right and it isn't just America. The whole world has turned into a molten ball of hate and fear and it will only continue to build on itself as everyone waits for everyone else to do the right thing. We all want order, but order never lasts- it all melts down into chaos, because chaos is easy.
  2. Reaching for players to contribute immediately is what has helped make us bad. Get players who will be good, we don't have to be significantly better next year to do that.
  3. I heard that it wasn't called by the coaches- it was called on the field
  4. She is an idiot, but the death threats are out of line. I don't consider the guy to be on either side- he is a complete nutjob.
  5. The Patriots lost because the Jets outplayed them. It had nothing to do with Moss. As a matter of fact, having Moss played into what the defense wants- not because Moss is a jerk, but because of the way the Patriots are built. When they had Moss, Brady held the ball and waited for him to go deep. After they cut him, the offense started producing. For the patriots to be efficient, Brady has to be able to unload the ball almost when he finishes his drop back- the Jets took away the short passing game and made him hold the ball. It is football, they are humans- stuff happens. There is a reason New England beat out the Jets for the division, just like there is a reason they lost to the Jets on Sunday.
  6. They have spent money, just not wisely
  7. One was a great catch in the corner by Holmes, another was a good run by Tomlinson and another had Edwards breaking a tackle and carring a defender into the endzone. He is a competent QB, but nothing more than a compliment to the running game. The Jets have the most dominant offensive line since Dallas in the mid 1990's, their running game is as good as St. Louis' passing game was in their superbowl run.
  8. Not really. There have been wildcards for more than 10 years and we haven't claimed one of them.
  9. You mean the one that has five NFL caliber OLs instead of two? Hope we take another McKelvin or Parrish this year.......
  10. Maybe he could Bring in Revis, Cromartie, Barton, Ellis, etc......since we haven't had that type of talent on defense since letting Big Ted, Fat pat and Bruce go.
  11. Successful media will always be tinged with hate and fear. As OC said, ratings is the currecy of the media. Unfortunately, hate and fear draw ratings more than intellectual content. The media doesn't serve us, we now serve them.
  12. No, but I follow the Browns pretty closely as well.
  13. It is as hateful and jaded as anything I can remember in my lifetime- I am sure you guys have seen more than I have. The thing that gets me is the so-called opinion/editorial shows that serve only to incense and incite people, fueling the hate. And neither side is alone in the blame for it- I hate MSNBC and FOX equally. I am equally interested in progressive and conservative views on various topics. People say that means I waffle and don't have a legitimate opinion. I just want to be informed, knowldgeable and in control- instead of having a bunch of talking heads controlling me- as I have seen happen with a lot of people.
  14. I find that very depressing. It erases any potential of credibility- but it is depressing and disrespectful- even if Reagan hadn't been a president. Hopefully one side will make the move to change things at one point. It will have to happen, cause this country is too stupid to force anything to happen.
  15. I wouldn't mind Cameron Heyward- the only reason people aren't super high on him, is because he didn't play in the SEC. He is as good as anyone, including Fairley
  16. They are set on McCoy, trust me
  17. Not a position of need, if your ultimate goal is getting back to 7-9. We should be looking at the QBs and Gabe Carimi. If we got him and Moffitt, we could stop having a line that is the embarrassment of the league.
  18. So if Wannastedt comes in to fix the defense, maybe we take OT Carimi or one of the SEC receivers to help with our offense.
  19. Gregg Williams' first year was worse......despite what he claimed when he came here
  20. My advice is not to take any of the advice you get
  21. I don't put Fairley too far ahead of Heyward. Both are beasts
  22. And the cycle continues- which is why we still claim to be the best in the world......
  23. The sooner that blows over and we stop hearing those two words, the better. I heard them enough as a kid in stories. She wasn't completely wrong using them to describe what was being done- although it overshadowed what was happening, unfortunately.
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