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Everything posted by Adam

  1. The Patriots had Moss, seymour and Wilfork. The Jests have a bunch of attitudes. I have never been part of a great team at any of the levels I have beem at that didn't have some players with bad attitudes. Its all about laying down the law- and letting them know there won't be exceptions. Look at Michael Irvin for another example
  2. You don't want players with bad attitudes, but if you are going to win, you will end up with some of those players- it is about keeping them in line
  3. It is ludicrous only in that there is very little chance it would happen. If we go hybrid, Haynesworth wouldn't be a problem, and a tandem of him and Williams along with someone like Dareus could give us a monster pass rush. Factor in Woodley and Asomugha, and we could have a great, young defense. Its good to dream- won't hapen and neither will contention for playoffs
  4. My dream offseason is getting Fairley/Heyward/Dareus with our top pick, then trading either our second or third pick for Haynesworth. In Free agency, we get Asomugha and Woodley in free agency. That would be great- but there is little chance of doing all that, unfortunately
  5. He is a decent coach, but should have done better than the #6 seed the past couple years with the amount of talent on that team
  6. I'd like to get a franchise QB, but I am not sure any of the supposed first round guys will be one. I'd take Andrew Luck in a heartbeat, but not the other guys. Only franchise QB playing today is Rothlisbuerger. The other three are very overrated
  7. I am all for going defense, but if our front office and Gailey think one of the QBs can be developed into something great, I am all for it. The three players you mentioned all fall into different categories- Spiller is coming off his rookie year and probably will have a very productive year. Whitner doesn't fall into the Maybin category, as he not only is always around the ball, he always is on the field. Maybin never gets on the field and was a bust from tht moment we picked him.
  8. It is about building a championship team, not getting the quickest route to the playoffs. This coaching staff and front office aren't under the gun to make up for its predecessor's mistakes. If they think Newton will turn into a great QB in a few years, I am all for it. If they don't, I am fine with a defensive or other offensive pick. 9-7 with a first round exit means nothing to me. Now I will go see if my championship ring still fits...
  9. "We obviously don't have that kind of time". What does that mean? Who says we don't have that kind of time? We definitely have plenty of time and don't need to rush anything
  10. Braylon Edwards dropped two many easy passes and stirred things up too much. Winslow was very confrontational and since he has been gone, the staph infection problem has been gone as well.
  11. This makes me laugh. Mike Holmgren has the Browns heading in the right direction. Neither Quinn, nor Anderson was any good, and getting rid of Braylon Edwards and Kellen Winslow was the right move.
  12. I think Newton is a big question mark and I wouldn't risk taking him with the third overall. I am not sure about Mallet or Gabbert either, although I think Gabbert is the best of a weak bunch. If Andrew Luck came out, anyone who passed on him would have to be an idiot, or already have a top QB.
  13. While a franchise QB isn't necessary to win, as it can act as a catalyst to bring an offense together and elevate the rest of the offensive unit. The Jets don't have one, although some argue that Sanchez will develop into one. Same as a franchise pass rusher can act as a catalyst the defense. I don't see a can't miss QB in the draft- I think Luck was a can't miss prospect
  14. All those teams had very good to great defenses. Green Bay,San Fran, Denver- you could argue all were defense first teams
  15. Any position can be a bust- I just don't know if I would risk Gabbert or Mallet.
  16. I don't think he meant to offend anyone, but this is an example of a guy putting his foot in his mouth. Politicians should not use public forums to preach religion. He made a mistake, just move on.....unless you have never made a mistake
  17. Not sure if you were brusque or not- I am stuck in the office writing press releases for two basketball games, just hours after being told by my doctor that I have a muscle between my shoulderblade and ribs that is partially pulled off the bone....I am a bit out of it! lol He is a big, athletic guy. Dominated all year and was a beast in the bowl game against Arkansas. His father played like a linebacker- loved watching him with the Saints
  18. While the mention of Goebbels doesn't signify that the Nazi atrocities will follow, I think he could have phrased it much better. It is just as bad as Palin's comment about Blood Libel- which may have not been too far off, as she was being attacked for something she didn't do. While the bill isn't great, I don't like the time that is being wasted in a repeal vote which has zero chance of clearing the senate. An ammendment forcing state lines to be open, so insurance companies can't block competition would be a better idea, but since both sides partake of the dirty lobbyist money, that will never happen. Our government is broken and it NEVER will be fixed.
  19. I don't think Mallet will be a dominant QB and I am not sure about Gabbert. I am pretty sure that a bunch of the D-linemen have a good shot to be dominant.
  20. Thanks for the info- didn't see it down here and things are too busy at work to look for it on the web. I really like Cameron Heyward as a 3-4 DE/4-3 DT. I think he is as good as Fairley
  21. When Gailey came here, he wanted to run a 3-4. The 4-3 was a band-aid, when we struggled, due to personnel. I expect that the transition we started with drafting Troup and Carrington will continue
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