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Everything posted by Adam

  1. If we faced that type of oppression and gathered to publicly protest and got a negative response, many would snap. I am surprised it didn't happen in Egypt
  2. Harrison was a bum. He gave no effort at all in camp or the preseason. You have to get rid of guys like that
  3. I heard some idiots on the radio last night saying there are too many muslims in Egypt for a democracy to work- my response to that nonsense is this- if it were Americans over there, the revolution would have been a failure from the outset. It would have taken 10 minutes before someone had resorted to violence, which is just about the only thing people over here understand- and the military would have acted quickly to squash the entire thing. The Egyptians remained peaceful, despite being baited by an idiot. As far as the people saying that we abandoned Mubarek? It was a long time coming!
  4. Basically he said that our front line is terrible, which is was. I don't want to hear any of this scheme garbage. You don't scheme around a bad line- discussion over!
  5. He wasn't very good and is a very un-Jauron type player, in that he isn't very athletic
  6. Things like what I am reading here is why I hate fantasy football. You don't talk about tackles and sacks with a 3-4 nose tackle. Its absurd.
  7. Everywhere I look, I see people who don't agree with each other, treating each other horribly. I see it here, I see it overseas, why would I believe any differently. People love anger.
  8. Black Hole Sun plays in the background whenever I type. Nothing I can do about it.
  9. Let me take it a step further- the human race sucks.
  10. I've always thought a hybrid can work if you are good at one or the other and just want to confuse blocking schemes- main theme is get good at something. I agree, I think we are going 3-4. I really like Cam Heyward
  11. I will say this in her defense- I don't think she was trying to make any kind of statement, like Rosanne Barr did. She lost a line in the moment- it happens. Only thing that bothered me is she has no business changing it to something it isn't. If the people on the sidelines were being disrespectful, that is a whole other issue.
  12. It is not meant to be fun. Not everything is designed to be entertaining.
  13. The anthem was written to be a march. Not a pop song, not an opera, not something on the dumb show, American Idol, which draws record numbers of uneducated people. It is a march, not a song. She was garbage. Whitney Houston was garbage- that is a fact. Anything else is an opinion and a wrong one at that. Bring in a school band to do it right.
  14. Not old fashioned at all, that was worse than messing up the words. She was downright terrible.
  15. To be honest, QB is the least of my worries after watching last night. I posed a question on my facebook page, asking people to come up with a franchise QB winning a superbowl without having a great defense. The answers I got were Peyton Manning, Joe Montana, Steve Young and John Elway. None of those answers are close to right- the 49ers never won a Superbowl without an epic defense and everything came together for the Colts defensively in that playoff run, while Manning played average.
  16. We could take any of the available QB's and likely we will still end up looking for our QB of the future, but still have holes at all of the other positions to fill....
  17. While Manning carried the Colts through the regular season that year, the defense came together in the playoffs and carried them to the Superbowl win. Manning clearly should not have been the MVP
  18. The way the defense helps the offense is two-fold 1) it can take pressure off them. The offensive players perform better when they know they don't have to put 40 points on the board to win. 2) If you are only good enough to score on every four possessions, the defense can increase the number of opportunities to possess the ball by forcing a punt or getting a turnover. Now that is simple and everyone knows that of course, but it is fact- and it does work the other way, as well. No unit on the team performs in a vacuum. With a better defense, Fitzpatrick will put up better numbers, but once we get to that stage, he will have to be replaced with an upgrade or we won't take the next step
  19. Anyone who "Mourns" over a sporting event has absolutely no grasp on reality whatsoever. The "Manager" said it wouldn't have been an issue if it had been before the game, despite the fact that he claims that the deals they have with the Bears was a factor. He has no credibility and is a laughingstock to all sensible people. And for all the irrational ones that laughably mourn losses in sports.....2000? Take it to the bank- it wasn't going forward.
  20. Actually, both parties were unprofessional in this case- I think the manager should be fired as well. Personally, if there wasn't a deal with the bears in place, wearing that tie could actually benefit sales, as it would allow some BS to be exchanged between the salesman and customer
  21. So when the salary cap comes back, we have more room to sign some guys than the other teams
  22. When plays had to be made, Rothlisberger found a way to make them and the Bust-chise didn't. Didn't Kelly throw a bunch of interceptions in the first half of the Monday night game against Cincy, before torching them? Give me a great defense and a franchise QB, and I will give you a team that wins a lot of football games.
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