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Everything posted by Adam

  1. You can't hit QB's in the act of throwing and WRs in the act of catching. It will inflate scores
  2. Doesn't bother me that he played golf, nor does it bother me that President Bush did. You need to do some recreational activities or the job will be too overwhelming. I am sure other presidents were similar, but the stupid 24-hour media cycles didn't report on every single move. There are enough things to complain about, with each and every president in history. This isn't one of them.
  3. They were released last week! Pass rushers can no longer hit the QB while he is in the act of throwing, as he is considered a defenseless player. Receivers attempting to catch the ball are also defenseless. To me, this puts a premium on the passing game on offense, and coverage guys on defense. Pass rushers will be rendered useless, although their skills will be useful if they can cover and run down plays. I would not take a defensive lineman in the first round. If I went defense, I would take Patrick Peterson or the guy from Colorado and move McKelvin to free safety. I think defenses will have to get smaller and more athletic. Whitner (if he comes back) could get a look at inside/middle linebacker, as he will be able to cover better than the old style linebacker. I wonder if Maybin could get a look inside or on the line, or if he will be just as bad in the new style. I expect that this will bring the spread offense to the NFL, as the QB won't get hit much. Which opens the door for a lot more QB's. The game should be like an Arena game or a basketball game.
  4. What is Watt, Reed and Herzlich going to do for us? You can't really rush the passer under the new rules. We need weapons in the passing game and guys to create passing lanes. Teams will be averaging around 40 points under the new rules, maybe 50 or 60 for the good teams
  5. I golf like a softball coach hitting ground balls to the infield! Lol
  6. You can't do anything without some risk, but I have no problem with anyone being cautious. What is going on in Japan is horrific. I feel awful for them.
  7. If we take Dareus, it is a terrible pick. Either Green or Jones. Under the new rules, you can't hit the QB and you can't hit the WR's. 40 points is the new 20 points. If we take a defensive player, it is the wrong move.
  8. I actually consider him pretty rational most of the time. He will go on an occasional rant, but message boards usually get that out of people. The anonymity sometimes makes people more extreme versions of themselves. The thing I like about being here is to read the posts of those I disagree with. You learn very little just paying attention to those you agree with. And if you can't already tell, I have a lot to learn!
  9. I olove sitting on my Red, White and Blue fence. I do that, while others are IN love with their blue or red fence.
  10. It is time to stop thinking that the private sector or government can make everything perfect. It is a rough world and sometimes we just have to deal with the fact that there isn't a perfect answer to all of life's problems. This country really needs to toughen up again......
  11. I don't like that the demoncrats split town and I don't like that the repukelicans rammed it through. I don't like that both parties have no idea whats best for the country. I don't like that both parties are for themselves instead of the country. Best place on earth.......whatever
  12. I am all for that, but sometimes playing politics is convenient and makes other things easier to do. Nothing is black and white in this world, unfortunately, and seeing things that way can become very dangerous.
  13. Part of the reason he had trouble staying healthy was the smallish defensive front that he played behind, exposed him to a lot. If Troupe can crack the lineup this year and we continue to build a strong front seven, Sanders could do well- then again, so could Whitner
  14. Saddam is one of the greatest villains in history. He was horrible on an epic scale, his name alone makes me sick
  15. Bush, Obama, any president you want to name- all I can say is "Heavy is the head that wears the crown"
  16. Heard an interview with Donald Trump the other night. I really pity the Republican party if he wins the nomination- surely, they can come up with a better candidate. Sure, his popularity would win a lot of votes, but I don't think he could do a good job. He made a good point, when he said he would get rid of all of the diplomats dealing economically with China and would have cutthroats from Wall Street deal with them and put a 25% tax in place on their imports. At first, I thought that sounded good. Problem is that they own too much of our economy- they would laugh at him. Last night, I watched a special on Richard Nixon. Very sad. I heard a lot of good things about him, seems a lot of that was true. Unfortunately, it seems that becoming President was the worst thing that could have happened and getting forced out of office probably is the best thing that could have happened to him. Its really a shame to see anybody that miserable- I wasn't alive when he was president, but it seems that most of the good he did has been forgotten. Looking at his paranoia and the way he conducted himself as a social idiot, he reminds me of Bill Belicheck (even looks like him). I wish history would cover more of how he tried to help future presidents. I didn't like George W Bush when he was president, I don't think he was half the president his father was- then again, his father didn't have the same world circumstances to deal with. A lot of his policies that were going to change under Obama haven't. Now I am not going to rip Obama for that either- I think he has matured and learned that some evils are necessary. I think everyone would want the prisons at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo closed- some things just aren't feasible. Seeing this stuff not change has softened my stance a bit on the Bush administration (although I am still against enhanced torture). Maybe the military tribunerals would work- if used, those tried would need to be given a fair trial though- and not be guilty until proven innocent. If that could be guaranteed, I think the people on the left would back off. Stuff going on in the middle east is fun in some ways, to see people standing up for themselves, but it is also very scary.
  17. I think we should have stayed out of Iraq, but the unrest would have happened either way. Instead of toppling Saddam and starting over, they will have unrest after we leave. I am just worried that someday will will get a hold of Bin Laden.
  18. Correct. And I don't mind if we repeat this past season next year. The fans will whine, but who cares- they will whine anyways
  19. So what? Everyone should be happy for Egypt's removal of that problem. Just because you don't agree with what socialists stand for economically, doesn't mean you have to be against everything they say
  20. Maybe you are right and maybe I am just overly cynical. It just seems that in the past decade, the type of demonization that has gone on for decades has become worse and has started to be seen as reality to a lot of people. I evem talked to someone who nearly had a panic attack when Obama got elected, insisting that it would lead to us getting attacked. Same person insisted that both Mubarak and the Shah were great leaders
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