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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Agreed- the killers are idiots. They are not idiots because they are muslim. Just like the idiot in Florida isn't an idiot because of his religion. Same for the idiots in Kansas, who are ruining military funerals.
  2. There is no good guy in this. Just multiple bad guys.
  3. Although, it could get comical, if you can't!
  4. Lets try to remember that politics, like life, isn't a zero sum game. All parties have a great mission statement and want to provide people with what they need, build a strong economy, etc.... Sometimes they get blinded by their own agenda and lose sight of what the agenda is trying to accomplish. Actually, it's more than sometimes.
  5. I have been told for years that once you have an entitlement program, you can't take it away. If you hear it enough, it must be true The Rock says stop it now! lol
  6. That presents both the opportunity to be noble or corrupt.
  7. You know- everyone is better than everyone else. There is a reason our future is so lugubrious.
  8. No easier than the democrats or republicans
  9. Thats pretty much what I said. I have no love for the Democratic party. I also have no problem with socialism, liberalism, conservatism or any of it. They all have worked and all have failed. I think I am a bit right of center, but not by much, I have always believed you pick and choose what you like from each and use what is practical. People see what they want to see in life- the people who ripped Bush of Iraq and praising Obama over Libya and vice versa. I just observe and laugh at it all (not the tragedies, of course, just the hypocricy). They all miss the point- sure, there was a decision to be made in both cases, just none of the options were good ones. I see the people of America as wanting some sort of constitutional monarchy, where the King is not allowed to make the decisions, but is fully accountable for them.
  10. The stuff in the mission statement are things that just about everyone is for. I listed to Michelle Bauckman's speech the other day, and it stunk of partisan BS and mocked President Hu from China. Ideals are great, but the people who carry out those ideals will always be flawed, because they are human.
  11. A lot of them are good people that stand for what it says there. The problem is that in trying to do something good, sometimes people overextend themselves and screw up. Same with just about anything else.
  12. It wouldn't be a terrible pick at all. I don't rate him as high as some of the defensive players, but we don't know if they will be able to rush the passer anyways. He would be a dramatic improvement over Demit Bell.
  13. Donald Trump is not a viable candidate.
  14. I just got a call from Mick Foley- you guys are really making Mr. Socko, angry!
  15. He was a conservative, but his agenda had to move towards the middle, when he was President. Otherwise, nothing would get done. Completely unrelated, but anyone who truly thinks he was an idiot should read his book- he was a shrewd politician, who knew how to win. History will be the judge of that
  16. Calling out a teammate or coach publicly doesn't solve a problem, but it gives the opportuity to create a new one. Just the way team dynamics works.
  17. I can't think of a line of work where calling an employee out publicly is a good thing. I think Gailey is smart enough to not do something for a fan base that has equated Edwards to Brady and "Mini me" Perish to Welker.
  18. Until we get another deep threat, it is smarter to send Evans deep, to open the middle for our other WRs. Once we have another speed guy to open up the middle, I think Evans can be a dynamic weapon. Until then, we won't be very good offensively.
  19. Until we get another deep threat, it is smarter to send Evans deep, to open the middle for our other WRs. Once we have another speed guy to open up the middle, I think Evans can be a dynamic weapon. Until then, we won't be very good offensively.
  20. Roscoe? Can we send Boss Hogg and Daisy over the middle too?
  21. Fans understand more about the technical aspects of coaching than they did in the past, but they don't understand the other aspects as well. Players get called out enough in the media, without having the guy who oversees them calling them out. I also stand by my previous comments about not sending our only deep threat over the middle- it is pointless. You need another deep threat to send Evans over the middle.
  22. Maybe Evans hasn't been able to do much underneath, because when he goes over the middle, we don't have another guy to challenge the defense deep. Fans always like players to be called out publicly, but it usually doesn't push the player to be better. Personally, I prefer to be challenged privately, instead of being publicly embarrassed. Shows how little fans truly understand about coaching,
  23. Here is the link- just scroll down and look at the text box http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=6223700
  24. I posted that as a new thread (I think). Either I clicked on something wrong or it got moved here. Sorry.
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