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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Which is a tragedy unto itself. The man was a genius and a charismatic leader. If he hadn't gone down that path, he could have brought so much to the world.
  2. "I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." MLK
  3. Regardless of who the President is or what party he is affiliated with, I would expect a press conference. This is the biggest accomplishment in the war on terror. Much credit to our troops, the Obama Administration and the Bush Administration for making this possible. If any part of the Osama Bin Laden that existed before he became a terrorist, may that part find the peace in death that he failed to find in life. The rest of him can just rot in hell for all of the people he hurt.
  4. That in itself is a criminal offense. Lunch has a four-beer minimum
  5. I expect to see a lot of this discussion, in the near future. The explosion of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy from the long neglect of concussions makes it inevitable.
  6. He didn't talk about that in his book either, which by the way, was a very good read
  7. So are you saying that they should be charged and punished, like anyone else, or that a murder charge is a viable option?
  8. I did. They took down the $3.79 sign in our town and put up pictures of an arm and a leg
  9. What happened in Massachusetts is not Romneycare, nor is what was passed nationally Obamacare. It what they were able to get the legislature to pass to their desk. This inviolved going through both houses and being subject to numerous opinions. It also involved the powerful healthcare lobby, which is stronger than the Democrat and Republican parties combined. When it comes down to it, I will take a bigger look at his record than I have in the past. I don't really favor a particular party, but I do favor former Governors, as they have previous executive experience.
  10. Neither the private sector, nor the government is inherently bad. Both can become bad if they get too big and try to overreach or get greedy. We have dug ourselves a hole and it will be very tricky to rebuild this house of cards, without bringing it down in the process.
  11. I know you weren't being literal, but its been a long day. I think he probably could take a dump without it being questioned. I just wonder what toilet paper they use.
  12. The birther issue was about discrediting a politician, not about whether he was born in the country or not. You don't have to like it, but it's the way politics work in our country. There may have been racism on the part of some people, but for the most part, I think it is what I said above. President Obama has been about average as far as being a President. I don't think Trump could manage that and I sure hope the Republicans find a much better candidate than him.
  13. There never seems to be a shortage of opinions here, so here goes. Can a person suffering from dementia be guilty of murder. I don't mean the lame, old excuse of insanity, either.
  14. I haven't been in NY much over the last 5 years. Is there a reason it couldn't pass? Seems like common sense.
  15. Born down in a dead man's town............
  16. I used to think like that as well, but I have come to the conclusion that religion is not the reason for religious fundamentalism. It is the excuse for it. Bad people will use their belief as a reason to treat others poorly- if it weren't there, they would find another excuse.
  17. Hitler and Stalin stomped people out, because they believed that they held the moral high ground. They thought they were giving their people what they needed. Most Muslims are good, peace loving people, but if you want to talk inclusive of all Muslims, that includes millions of people, so you will be lumping people who are just like you and me, with radicals. That is the same as lumping all tea party members with the few racists. Everyone is an individual and deserved to be judged as such.
  18. I agree with you. But then again, the only thing that has brought about more evil in this world than wanting to be right, it is wanting to do the right thing....... Good people don't have to be right- they try to help others for the sake of doing it and don't fear everything which is different. Bad people judge people in convenient groups and become fearful- and hateful (despite the fact they completely deny it, like the idiots in Mursboro, Tennessee)
  19. It is the same as guns. Guns aren't crazy, nor is religion. They are usually the excuse for a crazy person's actions. Each INDIVIDUAL is accountable for their own actions.....or at least it should be that way. "Liberals" aren't the only ones that are holier than thou, either.
  20. No- you just changed it to say that. It wasn't the intent. Both are bad, I do my best to avoid doing bad things to others. So do many good people of those and other religions and political affiliations. Just because you hear about a crime every once in awhile and it happened by a person who happened to be a Muslim. Let me put it this way- if you hear about a Muslim committing a crime every day for a calendar year, that is 365 out of literally billions of people. It is a small minority, as is the radical faction of any religion or political group. Am I to think that the tea party is a bunch of biggots, because of a vocal minority? Judge people by their own merits, not by the merits of a group.
  21. Christianity is a religion of peace. If you legally try to build a mosque in our town, Jesus himself will come by and vandalize your equipment.......
  22. I know it is a side point, but school doesn't accurately depict history. I was taught that Richard Nixon was the first US President to be impeached!
  23. Our entire front 7 needs to be upgraded, but the question is are they allowed to hit the QB or not? If you can't hit the QB who is in the act of throwing, then what use is a pass rush? If you no longer can hit WRs in the act of catching, that will put cover guys at even more of a premium as well.
  24. I would say the fact that he took office is pretty overwhelming. I would think that his campaign would have gone down pretty quickly if he wasn't really born in Hawaii. Trump's talk about having the guys from Wall Street take over economic relations with China instead of the diplomats, and have them crack down on China is ludicrous. They would laugh at him. I don't know if there is anyone out there who could assume the office of President of the United States and do well, with the handicap that comes along with running this coutnry.
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