Absolutely not. But there is nothing wrong with reflecting on what he probably was, before becoming a terrorist. Had things been different, he easily could have been one of the people who perished on 9/11. He wasn't though, and we did what had to be done.
A great tragedy is that people like Osama Bin Laden and Adolph Hitler could have been great boons to the world. They had the brain power and leadership ability to do this.
Another thing- we just over politicize everything nowadays. President Bush made some good decisions that went wrong and some bad decisions that turned out well. Same probably can be said for President Obama (too early to tell). Under it all, both are good people who love America and did what they believed would be in OUR best interest, while under the pressure cooker of Washington- not sitting at home with a bag of cheetos, watching MSNBC or FOX. I am sure President Reagan had his reasons for Iran Contra, but I would like to find a good book on the topic, as I was extremely young at the time. Before we blame our politicians, we should take a good, long look in the mirror!