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Everything posted by Adam

  1. What if he repealed Obamacare, but left the Affordable Health Care Act........
  2. Wasn't Jasper the little known friendly snowman, who was a friend of Casper, the Friendly Ghost?
  3. Thanks, you made me spit my breakfast all over the screen, when I laughed!
  4. But hasn't there been a unwritten mandate for years? A friend of mine who didn't have much money, went to the ER and had surgery. The taxpayers picked up the tab.
  5. To be honest, after reading up about him, I felt like something that would be censored by this forum. No, he wasn't as bad as he was made out to be. I still disagree with some of his policies, but what you have to do in reality and who you would do in an ideal existence don't always mesh.
  6. Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed today......lol
  7. Bush spent too much. I wasn't too keen on torture being used for interrogation. He made some mistakes, Every president will make some mistakes. Problem is that they will be demonized for those mistakes nowadays. President Bush wasn't the worst President in history, nor is President Obama. The world is pretty bad, though, which affects opinion.
  8. In principle, no. But I am practical enough to understand that the benefits outweigh any potential problems. I'd rather see someone on trial for abusing it than seeing a family member, friend or countryman killed.
  9. I am for the extension. No idea why it went down to the wire, but I don't care if he was in the Oval Office, overseas or on the space shuttle when he did it. It gone done.
  10. The teleprompter is a moot issue, as numerous past Presidents have used it as well. Its really no better than mocking President Bush for when he said something that was a bit off at his press conferences. Most of us would struggle trying to give a coherent press conference, if we faced the daily stress that a President faces- particularly the last two.
  11. Yes, absolutely. Because we all saw JAURON is so offensive and evil that we prefer to lose and have him get fired, instead of have a viable franchise for the first time in more than a decade. Not to mention that head coaches, who spend the whole season game planning and running practice all season should be in charge of the draft, instead of the GM and scouts, which evaluate those potential draftees. That is how to build a viable franchise.
  12. Yes, the 2000 election controversy wasn't a proud moment for our country, regardless of point of view. Bush had some policies that were questionable, but he was a very good politician and knew how to win. Some of his policies have grown less objectionable over time, while some remain controversial. As far as the candidates, he was pulling for Dean to win the nomination, as he was more worried about Kerry.
  13. I was just trying to make a point on one of your previous posts about pbills. It is a misconception that liberals hate the private sector and that neocons hate everything that is run by the government. Actually, it may be an honest misconception on your part (I will give you the benefit of the doubt, as I don't know you). It reality, it is a tool that both sides use to demonize the other and consolidate power. As far as your comment on the housing loan issue- let the buyer beware, unless it is a fraudulent act by the bank.
  14. Bush wasn't as bad as the democrats made him out to be. Obama isn't as bad as the republicans make him out to be. Politics are way out of hand in this country, no doubt.
  15. 1. I was merely reflecting back at him what he posted. I don't really believe than, nor does pbills believe what LABillsfan said either. 2. You've seen me post long enough to know that will NEVER happen
  16. You are probably right, but unless there is absolutely no doubt that he did it in panic, he should (I hope) be eligible for early parole. To be honest, I think I would probably panic and do something similar, in the worry that he wasn't out cold and would shoot me. Doesn't mean that he is exempt from the law.
  17. So you think having the private sector make all of our decisions is better? Do the people that don't agree with your mantra need to shut their pieholes?
  18. Fitz has many of the same problems as his predecesors- a terrible OL, weak offensive weapons and a bad defense. We need to invest more draft picks in the QB position while the rest of the roster continues to rot away......
  19. Nice post Fezmid- I agree, everyone wastes so much time finger pointing that nobody cares about fixing what is wrong!
  20. The two party system is an abject failure......
  21. Where is the post demonizing private enterprise?
  22. Both sides are going to have to give on their issues. The left will have to allow Social Security to return to its original state- by moving the age up 10-15 years. The right will have to accept less spending on the military and tax cuts. Much of our future spending will have to be redirected to infrastructure- as we will deteriorate into less than a third word country if we don't do something soon. Show me this politician, and I will show you someone who America is too dumb to elect.......
  23. I comsider those the same things or at least related
  24. Instead of demonizing each other over issues, they should be working towards a solution and ignoring the wingnute. Ah, America.....land where people are lazy and do the easy thing......
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