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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Let me clarify- he IS an idiot and probably should resign. If he committed any crime (he was cleared by the student), such as improper use of a government phone/computer, he should be removed immediately. Conduct an investigation if need be, but I am against removing public servants, because a crime might be committed against them- that opens pandora's box. Point taken, though. Personally, I think this is a case of a guy who doesn't have both oars in the water......
  2. Do or Die? Does that mean if he doesn't have a great season, we cut him, even though we don't have a replacement?
  3. Someone posted a few weeks ago about he should resign so he isn't blackmailed. I can't agree with that line of thinking- blackmail is a crime.
  4. Average at best. Leading us in tackles doesn't mean much
  5. We should cut Fitzpatrick and bring back Vince Ferragamo- or even Lou Ferrigno!
  6. I have been in the fight all along, but I recognize there are too many idiots in this country- the people that always vote straight republican or democrat without learning about who they vote for. Those people have ruined the country- and trust me, it will get worse.
  7. Don't kid yourself- the next president will spend more than Obama and his successor will spend more as well. They won't cut back, until America shows some guts....and that won't happen.
  8. Yep- they want a constitutional monarchy. That way they can blame one person for everything. Right now, the person they blame doesn't unilaterally decide things- which is why the terms Bush Tax Cuts and Obamacare are complete nonsense.
  9. No problem. After seeing a documentary about how the nazis started with assisted suicides a few weeks ago, I just feel that any government action is a catch 22 for them. Either you force people to stay alive in situations they don't want to be- which is horrible. Or you could create a horrifying legal loophole that can be exploited at a later date, to have someone put to death, by getting a doctor to sign off on it. Who knows. It was just fresh in my mind from seeing it so recently. In no way was I equating the proper act of assisting suicide to the holocaust.
  10. Try rereading what I said and see if you still come up with that.......
  11. Personally, I was very much for what he did. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit- they can't be forced on us. What you have to remember is that the Government is in a catch-22 on this. The other month, I was watching a documentary to the build up that was the precursor to the holocaust. It started with signing off on something similar.
  12. I am for both. We have to tighten our belts and not make politically savvy moves to get elected. And by the way, I lump "Bush" tax cuts with "Obamacare". Both are made up terms for juvenille people who need to learn to play with the grown up people. Neither unilaterally instituted either of those things. (Not that you made those references in your posts, but a lot of people do)
  13. This actually makes more sense to me.... http://latifovfilm.com/SpaceWarsTimeline.html
  14. I say that the Japerian economic model will reduce the deficit and unemployment with a coherent tangental marketing plan, with co-directional changes to all relative quantities.
  15. Workhorse backs are so 1990's. Spiller will be a playmaker for us.
  16. There we go, more of a blanket statement now. Lets keep putting those democrats and republicans in there, cause its the smart American thing to do.....
  17. Point taken, but its past time to stop playing politics with "We the People's" money. Congress doesn't have the right to do that.
  18. Actually, he is a genius, an evil genius, but still a genius. Like Rush Limbaugh, he makes millions off the lowest common denominator
  19. Prior gets by on having a great team around him. He isn't very good. He is proof that the conventional wisdom around here about QBs winning is stupid.
  20. They can take all the time they want- 5-6 years is fine with me. People really do have other things they can do.
  21. Sun Tzu would agree with many things in that article, such as undermining the drug industry from within.
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