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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Sorry, but the concept of a "Speculators Gone Wild" tour made me laugh......
  2. Satiating the public's outrage has nothing to do with justice. All that is about is vengeance- which is nothing but evil. Every bit as evil as the initial act.
  3. Alyssa Milano, Katie McGrath, Sara Del Rey, Danielle Lawrie, Caitlin Lowe
  4. It all comes out to appeasing the lemming democrats and republicans......Best country on earth.....just keep repeating that until you forget everything else.
  5. It was obvious that the prosecution didn't have a case. The chloroform was circumstantial evidence, as nobody knows if it was used on Caylee. Also, nobody knows if the duct tape was used prior to death or after it. Furthermore, if she did do it, she is probably a sociopath, meaning an accomplice probably dumped the body, as she would have no reason to do that.
  6. My fix is to make the school day 4 hours longer and increase the length of the school year. Problem solved
  7. I can agree with a lot of that, but to say that President Obama isn't pro-American is just foolish.
  8. None of them. We don't have that type of depth. If you can move someone to the bench, great
  9. What year was Jauron running the draft?
  10. I am searching with my abacuses or is that abaci?
  11. The cuts shouldn't be just equal and tax hikes should be on the table. Both sides need to take the debt seriously and stop posturing. I will never be brainwashed- I prefer to have a dirty mind.
  12. Nice post. I would also eliminate the Bush era tax cuts and push Social Security back about 10 years (with a an exemption to that for terminal illness) for anyone who isn't already 60. Later, I might push it back more, based on average life expectancy, as it never was intended to be for more than the final two years of life.
  13. Cookie cutter is what gets you elected in this country
  14. lol, I would like to see that happen for other, obvious reasons. Then again, I was the guy in high school who was told that the tailpipe of my car was plugged up.....I looked (cough cough)
  15. I'd take Felser, Milt Joffe and Milt Northrop over the garbage in the Buffalo Snooze today......People up there apparently don't know what quality is!
  16. I thought everyone believed in climate change, and the debate was over what caused it. Something I watched on Discovery Channel about the reversal of our magnetosphere was very interesting on the topic- supposedly it reverses polarity over time and basically because nearly non-existent for awhile. I don't suppose we have anything that can fix it...... A few months ago, I was listening to her and then she started joking around and went as far as mocking the name of the president of another country. I turned it off at that point. We don't need that type of entertainment in the white house- and people who like that can watch MTV, instead of voting for something important.
  17. Good for you! If more people had the guts to vote for who they wanted, instead of who they thought could win, this country would be a much better place.
  18. I go for who I feel can be the most influential and presidential. Something people need to remember is that the President doesn't do nearly as much as people want to blame him for. President Bush didn't unilaterally declare tax breaks or wars and President Obama didn't author the Affordable health Care Act. People who talk like that is the case are just lazy. I am hoping Huntsman wins the nomination. He seems like the smartest of the bunch
  19. The nonsense is that they are trying to indoctrinate us- this makes no sense- they are not nazis and not trying to indoctrinate anyone. YOU are trying to indoctrinate people with these statements. There is no such thing as blind obedience to a liberal or conservative agenda- there ARE people who are blindly obedient to the agenda of certain politicians. Furthermore, marriage SHOULD NOT be a right of a couple- it should be the right of any living human individual to marry any other willing human individual, regardless of color, creed, religion or orientation. I won't call you the above terms, but I reserve the right to call you or anyone else a troll- and I promise not to use fire or acid on you (If you don't get that, you don't wanna know)
  20. What makes you think Bachmann could counter the healthcare lobby's dirty money, so we could open it to competition? I didn't know that President Obama was a fan of Groucho Marx. He was a funny guy
  21. Bachmann could be a viable candidate, but I think she is too undisciplined to win.
  22. I only see a few trolls. The rest are hobgoblins with a few centaurs
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