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Everything posted by Adam

  1. We need serious entitlement reforms, but can't have a balanced budget amendment. A balanced budget amendment is ludicrous, as you have to be able to run deficits to some point. First reform should be upping the social security age by at least 10 years. Second- tell the healthcare lobby to take their money and stick it where the sun don't shine, by opening state lines for competition- I don't know how this would be done, as all our politicians are dirty, IMHO. To further lower health care costs, improve health education in schools and for %^$^%$^ sake, remove all soda, candy and white flour from school cafeterias and vending machines. Lower sales tax and institute a sin tax for the above foods, alcohol and tobacco products. There will be whining about that, but if people are that weak that they need those products, they can deal with it- I couldn't care less! Give a tax break to gym/fitness center membership enrollments. As health improves, medical entitlement expenditures will decline.
  2. It is oversimplification. That is what the liberals want, just like the neocons want to eradicate all entitlements and social services.
  3. If you refuse to call people racist, you are too racially conscious and therefore prejudice against people who use the term
  4. I am so tired of the two (one) parties passing the blame back and forth. They both caused this problem. President Bush shares the blame with President Obama and Congress. And now the two sides are saying entitlements and tax increases are off the table? If that is the case, removing them from office and replacing them should be on the table. We need both to take care of the debt and we need population control laws to slowly fix the unemployment problem, because if anyone thinks that the private sector has a reason to accommodate the exploding number of people into the work force, they are nuts. And the public sector can't subsidize everyone either.
  5. That woman was the victim of a terrorist attack, IMHO, and the perpetrator should be treated as such
  6. I do that all the time (if you haven't noticed) so I can't complain
  7. The government doesn't give me squat and I don't want it to. I am for raising the social security age by at least 10-15 years if not more, so you are preaching to the wrong person. The fact remains that if we can't afford to raise taxes to pay for us to go to war, then we don't belong in a war. National defense is no different than entitlements- if you can't pay for it, you can't have it. I am also tired of the democrats and republicans playing whack-a-mole with the blame- we ALL are to blame. Who will have the guts to fix things?
  8. Just because someone has a specific ideology, doesn't mean that the perfect conditions exist to enact that ideology. That fact is, we should have raised taxes 10 years ago, to pay for the war and if we decided that the economy wouldn't be able to handle increased taxes, we shouldn't have gone to war.
  9. Problem is that the time to raise taxes was ten years ago.
  10. It took the democrats forever to get a healthcare bill, I don't see them giving it up without a major fight. They probably will have enough to filibuster. I don't care if we keep the bill or not- if we open state lines to state competition, it shouldn't matter either way. But we know that the healthcare industry.....errr, Congress will vote that down. And America's stupidity will continue as usual!
  11. He will try to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act, as he said he would. He will fail in the attempt.
  12. Nobody knows or cares. Everybody sees such events through their own partisan glasses
  13. The democrats are for two much spending, but I also recall a republican stating that the deficit doesn't matter. Both sides are a problem
  14. If the two sides can't put personal politics aside, we need to put the two sides aside and fire them
  15. Why not just open the health insurance industry to competition? Although we both know that Congress isn't strong enough to overcome the influence of the insurance lobby to do that. I think that would do a lot more than a repeal of the Patient Affordable Health Care Act- which won't happen either.
  16. If we have to add thousands of jobs to keep unemployment at its current rate to compensate for people entering the workforce at a higher rate than people are leaving it, how can we expect it to go down much, if at all? Maybe if we want to decrease unemployment, we need to make it more expensive to have kids.
  17. I agree with your concept, but I don't think we are at the ceiling on what we can get from them. The problem is thinking they can fix the debt problem by themselves.
  18. I was thinking that if Casey did it, she is likely to be a sociopath. If that is the case, it is doubtful that she would feel the need to hide the evidence, as she wouldn't think she did anything wrong in the first place. In that case, someone was trying to cover it up for her and her parents are the prime suspects.
  19. If Casey did it, I highly doubt that she is the one who disposed of the body
  20. They can becoming evening half hours of watching the History Channel and CSPAN!
  21. Keeping him off the field is why he stayed healthy. You don't get both with him.
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