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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I have no problems with the Tea Party or their methods- the filibuster needs to be limited. Their use of it is no different that when the democrats and republicans use it. Its use has become a joke in recent years.
  2. Letting them go right now doesn't make us a better team- it would make us worse. Neither is elite, but they are the best we have. I would not trade Evans for Braylon Edwards. Until we fix the oline nothing else will matter.
  3. Not that is matters, but I would really like to know what President Bush would have been like if 9-11 didn't happen. It is amazing how circumstances shape things.
  4. Both sides are pathetic. Our entire government is unfit to lead and has been for a very long time. I would take president Clinton and president Reagan. Over president Bush or president Obama.
  5. There are good and bad people on both sides. That's how it usually is. Both countries would ultimately fail, because that's how it usually is.
  6. If we really want to get rid of the deficit, we need to eliminate social security, Medicaid and Medicare. We also need to raise taxes. A couple generations will struggle in poverty during retirement, but the problem will be solved. All the people who think this can be a one sided, partisan thing are wrong. All the people who think you can pick and choose what to cut and not to tax are delusional
  7. Both sides do underhanded things. That is why our government is such a joke. The only thing worse is the American people, themselves.
  8. Now that we actually have a threat on the defensive line, we might not get pushed around as much. That should help every facet of the offense including the blocking. That would help take shots downfield and Evans would be a major part of that.
  9. Senator Giffords cast her vote to a standing ovation. How awesome is that. A miracle that she is alive, much less voting. After being so cynical lately, it reminds me that there is a lot to like about this country.
  10. Welker is quicker, but I am not sure about faster. He also has a better offensive line, QB and has had a better system. Evans would put up big numbers if he played in Boston
  11. Knowing players salaries has really deceased enjoyment of the game.......I guess it doesn't matter if he makes you a better player, if you think he is overpaid....
  12. Something you have to understand about building a team, is that initially, the picks won't look good. As the team compiles talent, everyone will begin to look better. We still may be two years away- the mess that was made is that bad. Lee Evans will never be Michael Irvin or Jerry Rice, but shouldn't be cut because he isn't elite- he is a very good football player. We are better with him.
  13. They aren't incompetent- they are in year two of rebuilding a complete mess. What preceded them isn't their fault
  14. Very good chance one or both is gone before the season starts- how can you compare Lee Evans to those two? Seriously.
  15. It is time for a change when he gets pushed off the roster by more talented players, not when fans don't want him. Fans are their to buy tickets, merchandise and clap their hands when told to do so. They aren't there to think.
  16. I agree, but don't factor in the superbowl ring. Not Poz's fault he played on a bad team and not Barnett's fault he played on a good one.
  17. I would say that the entire government needs to be replaced. As a matter of fact, lets have a constitution, since this one constantly gets trampled on, to the point it barely exists.
  18. I disagree. There will be cuts and the impact on the deficit won't be immediate, but the idiot American people will be forced to relearn the art of patience. Getting rid of this deficit will take a lot of time. If we do to much to soon, the economy will tank. With in a year or two, we will need to eliminate the Bush-Era tax cuts, which are nothing more than spending. Like it or not, the defense spending is going to have to be cut and made a lot more efficient. I don't have inside knowledge, but my guess is that if the inefficiencies and redundancies were eliminated, that budget would nearly be halved. As angry as I am for all of the stupidity shown by our Congressional leaders over the past few weeks, I can get past all of it except trying to tie the debt limit to guaranteeing an amendment. That is a despicable act and inexcusable.
  19. No way. Canada gave us Danielle Lawrie and Caitlin Lever
  20. No. It is on the government as a whole- they ate betraying us for not getting this done. I applaude the work the tea party has done to expose the deficit, but their.methods are abhorrent. Tying a constitutional amendment to doing anything OS an affront to the entire process. There is a reason it is difficult to change the constitution and they are looking to bypass that process. I could be for the bills the house passed if any reference to the amendment was removed. It would raise taxes to a level we can't afford. We can still tackle the deficit without it.
  21. All parties have failed. The social security age should be raised to 75 for those not already in their 60's, and penalties for claiming early benefits should go directly into the deficit. A better formula can be discovered for Medicare, limiting it to those who really need it. For every dollar cut from entitlements, there should be a dollar of revenue raised. There should be no balanced budget amendment as we always will borrow more than we tax. If we truly want to repeal the affordable health care act, it must be tied to the end of the health care lobby and the end of all political contributions from that industry. Then the path to opening state lines would no longer be blocked by bribes and dirty money
  22. Nothing to excuse him for. Most people in this country are......and that is why we failed
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