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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I can name numerous republican idiots too. Or are they imbeciles, while democrats are idiots?
  2. I just don't believe that ideology dictates that level of stupidity.
  3. Actually, idiots blamed President Bush for Katrina!
  4. And it talks about how desperate a certain team, in a land that gets a lot of snow, really is......
  5. What great offensive linemen and quarterbacks did he pass on?
  6. While I agree with your point that congress should not have passed the tax cuts while we were at war, we do want to keep taxes low for some corporations. The problem is, some people want the cuts to go to all corporations. They should go to the businesses that are helping to build the country- the construction companies, the energy companies looking to build an alternate infrastructure and rebuild the energy grid, and so on and so forth. Walmart and McDonald's don't need the tax breaks.
  7. Free agents really won't care what Jackson gets paid
  8. Spiller was asked to do a lot in a complicated offense ad a rookie. He will get better
  9. We all are tired of losing, but you have to be careful about changing things prematurely. You could make a mistake and put the blame in the wrong place. That can set you back years
  10. I agree. The past couple offseasons have been about putting a defense together. Once that is done, the focus will switch to the offense. If Troupe improves this season, him, Williams and Dareus give is a strong foundatoo, with some good depth behind them. Then we can supplement that while moving to the offense. It worked for green bay.
  11. Says me, westside. Did Levy suddenly forget how to coach when our offensive line became terrible? Our offensive and defensive lines have been awful for over a decade. No coach can scheme around that. Bad teams don't win. Nix has made more commitment to the lines than anyone since Polian. In a year or two, Gailey will have is in contention for playoffs.
  12. The coaching isn't and hasn't been the problem. Which is why changing coaches hasn't led to winning.
  13. I only skimmed it, but I have to agree- we need massive spending cuts- and the military should be a part of that. We should increase tax cuts to those who perform vital services and eliminate them to those who don't. Walmart and McDonalds don't need the breaks, that's for sure. If our congressmen could do their job and open the state lines to healthcare, instead of taking kickbacks and campaign contributions to maintain the status quo, real reform would have been simple.
  14. You must be desensitized after years of poor line play. You aren't going win anything with this line- the line will lead to more QB/Coach changes- just like it has over the last decade.
  15. That first sentence is why we've sucked, the rest can be tossed out.
  16. Very well stated. I wasn't all that high on president Clinton while he was in office but I'd take him back in a second, right now.
  17. I also factor in that the whole impeachment was a sham, based on a non-existent crime. The partisanship existed long before that, but the faux impeachment procedings took it to a completely new level.
  18. It would be interesting to see how our current group would do, if the slide protection wasn't always to the left side.......
  19. Whether liberal, conservative or somewhere in between.......our politicians try to do the best they can. In some areas they will do very well, in others they may tank. Sometimes it is because they made the wrong decision, other times there are external factors beyond their control. I swear, if one of them cured cancer, someone would rip them for not curing other things.
  20. I am in the middle and see idiots to both sides.
  21. Sorry, but the only time I notice that stuff is when I am here. I don't bother with watching talking heads on either side. Didn't Rick Perry use a ridiculous treason comment the other day? The terrorist comment was dumb, but when talking to the American people, you really have to talk down to their level.
  22. Both sides do the same thing. Glad I am an American, instead of Democrat, Republican, Conservative or liberal. My views aren't the things that make me better than others......superiority is.
  23. Stated my thoughts earlier in the thread. This was just having fun with what someone said.
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