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Everything posted by Adam

  1. 100% correct- I shudder to think how much of a mess other laws are as well.
  2. I am for repealing the affordable health care act, but they need to refuse the dirty money of the health care lobby at that point and open state lines to create competition. Also, the money needs to pay the debt- not added to national defense (which should be cut also)
  3. Those in power don't like people who challenge the status quo. That's why you hear bad things about both groups.
  4. I was a lot younger when Clinton was in office and was more worried about my grades at the time. I don't remember that, but I will take your word for it. As far as Obama goes, I don't think he will go down as a great president, but I think time will be kind to his image as it has with his predecessor (at least with people who aren't unmoveably on the far left). Obama's presidency included the health care bill, which was a terrible law and the elimination of Osama bin Laden. He should not get full credit or blame for either- the president never should get full credit or blame for anything.
  5. Clinton was a better leader than Obama, but that was a less partisan time. I would prefer President Clinton or President George HW Bush to President Obama or President George W Bush. In all fairness, I think our last two presidents ran into a country that doesn't want to be led. They want a constitutional monarchy, where they elect the king, who then takes the fall for everything that goes wrong.
  6. He was realistic in what he could do, once the republicans controlled Congress. His inability to get healthcare passed really wasn't a failure- a president should never have carte blanche to do whatever he wants. It is a success, when our government prevents bad legislation from becoming law.
  7. Our country thrived under President Clinton- I know many conservatives refute the reasons, but I find that just as distasteful as how some of the liberals talk about President Bush. Liberals have their place, so do conservatives. One pushes to do new things, the other remains frugal. One is for domestic advancements, the other is more for defense. We need both and there is no way around it. I laugh when I hear the lunatic base of both parties complain when they have someone in the white house and that person moves more towards the center- it is called being practical.
  8. Yes on the first question. I never believe that I am always right. Conservative leaders have done well and so have liberals. President Reagan did an good job for much of his presidency and he raised taxes a few times, didn't he? A good leader does what is needed, not always what he wants. If they are running against each other, it is my duty to research them and see which I feel is better.
  9. And they have more money than all of us combined. Glad you followed what I was saying- I'm not always the best at communicating my thoughts
  10. I'd say I vote for them. I don't do very many political things or go to rallies, if that is what you mean. I enjoy being employed in these tough times, so I don't have time for that.
  11. If you see things that way, that's fine. I look for the best ideas and best leaders on both sides, instead of being narrow minded. I will never be liberal/conservative, democrat/republican. Both have showed the capacity for both success and failure. Would both groups agree that we need to cut the influence of lobbyists on our elected officials?
  12. I disagree- both want government and the private sector to have less to do with each other. Now I could be wrong about that and projecting my own wishes onto the protests, but that is my opinion, FWIW.
  13. There are bad people at the Wall Street protest and bad people in the tea party. People should be able to protest whatever they want. Most of the time, nothing will come of it, but without protest, there can be no room for improvement. We are a great nation, but not perfect.
  14. If Cain doesn't win the nomination, I hope he would accept a cabinet position. He seems like a good man with some good ideas.
  15. I think there are a lot of things to like about both 999 and Herman Cain, but somebody told me last night that 999 would give the federal government the ability to tax states. I'm not sure I like that idea.
  16. Unless I missed it, as I can't read through every post in the thread, I am surprised by the lack of connection between the tea party and the occupy wall street crowd. It is as obvious as the unholy relationship between the government and private sector- a terrible TWO-WAY relationship. Both sides of that SHOULD be protested. Government shouldn't control the private sector, nor should the private sector control governement. Both should fear us.
  17. Actually, there is, since I have lost 36 lbs! While "Love it or leave it" sounds all well and good, the response "no" shuts that down quite nicely. I do like it here, but not pointing out flaws is 100% unpatriotic. Everything has been dumbed down to republican and democrat. Neither sheeple party serves the country, just themselves.
  18. It saved millions of lives, no doubt about it. I won't argue that fact. I also feel for the innocent people that were obliterated- they were people, not collateral damage. War sucks and there is no way around that.
  19. You are right- we need to get better on the line of scrimmage and while Fitz' play is admirable, I think we will need to replace him at some point. I am happy at 4-1 right now, though.
  20. Please. The Demagouging against Obama is just as bad as what happened over Bush. Both have made mistakes, as all leaders will, but the current crisis is more about the housing problem and paying for what happened on 9/11. That horrible debt wasn't Bush's fault, nor is it Obama's. Tings happen. Instead of pointing fingers, the democrats and republicans should renounce their nation and embrace America, instead.
  21. They can be, as long as you watch it with understanding of what they are doing. +1 to anyone who is able to do that.
  22. MSNBC......FOX.......call them liberal and conservative? I call it entertainment for dummies who can't think for themselves and need self validation. As far as ESPN being wrong? Well, maybe the government needs to step in to regulate hiring and firing practices......
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