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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Fitzpatrick isn't and never will be a franchise QB. What he is, is a stop gap, who is servicable enough to keep in there, while we build a decent team- something we should have done with any number of QB's we have had over the last decade and a half. He is NOT the problem
  2. Keep the law, get rid of the law- all the same. Deny the health care lobby and force competition, that will lower costs and fix a lot of problems. Won't happen though, as politicians from both side will continue to take the dirty lobbyist money.
  3. It has as little meaning as liberal at this point (which was another point of my using it. I always appreciate Major League or Princess Bride references though
  4. Not pulling for anything- I just don't want to be involved. We need to be out of the middle east, not have more entanglements. It would be nice to be able to fix everything, everywhere, but we can't afford the $$$ or personnel
  5. Hopefully Israel takes care of it, and we stay out. Not our problem. Let people take care of their own stuff
  6. Who really cares. The liberals will continue to demonize the tea party and the neocons will continue to demonize the OWS movement. Both sides have their pros and cons, but neither knows how to legitimately protest things- they are all brats and want what they want, and they want it right now. Face it, the election won't solve anything. Neither President Obama, nore any of the Republican candidates will be able to ram their agenda through Congress, so the debt problem won't be fixed. There will be no resolving social issues either. Chances are the only way entitlements or defense spending gets cut, is if their is no extension of the Thanksgiving deadline- which we know will be extended.
  7. I wouldn't call him trash. He is probably the top candidate the conservatives have to offer. Very intelligent man, very energetic and you can't challenge his love of country. I highly doubt he could push his plans through Congress, but who can, anyways?
  8. What Williams did was as dumb as what The Dixie Chicks did and got the same overreaction
  9. I think Condoleeza Rice would squash this whole bunch, but she is smart enough that she doesn't want to be President
  10. We need playmakers on both sides of the ball, in addition to a better offensive line. Now that we have a stopgap QB, we can focus on building that.
  11. While much of what is going on seems like nonsense to me, it would be scary to me, if they couldn't protest.
  12. Does it ever get exhausting for the people attacking everything they do? Seriously, it sounds as if some of these people just listen to Scoop and Bulldog all day and can't come up with their own schtick.
  13. Just because you say so? I think not. We changed defensive philosophies a season and a half ago. We won't be bigger and have a pass rush overnight. Sometimes life isn't fun. Sorry, but that's reality.
  14. Whatever happens, happens. We can't stay forever. They need to achieve stability, even if it means a little instability first.
  15. Wrong. The people of Libya should get the credit. I hope they can put an effective government in place that won't abuse them- and I don't care if it is a democracy or whatever.
  16. Why? We have been building in the opposite direction.
  17. It wouldn't matter. Even if he got elected, it would never pass Congress, which is why the congressional elections are so much more important than the presidential election.
  18. I know Denver and San Francisco got tired of Ted Washington as well.....
  19. Linoleum makes me want to......
  20. If the wins don't mean we are all set, then the losses don't mean we are hopeless either. You can't have it both ways.
  21. Then why are you listening. We've known they are morons for years
  22. I think anarchists are in a category of their own. I am disputing that the left is anti-business. Some of their policies are, but they are not against business.
  23. That rhetoric makes me laugh as much as the "Republicans hate the working man" stuff does. Neither side cares about business or the working man, as long as they can consolidate more power and prevent a third party from emerging.
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