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Everything posted by Adam

  1. 3rd- in what has been an absolutely terrible day, that actually made me laugh.
  2. As an independent, I find it funny that the left bashes right wing media, while the right thinks that media in general has a left wing bias. I find most media irritating and biased one way or the other and I completely avoid MSNBC and Fox.
  3. No, he actually hasn't. Edwards doesn't "build" a 3-4. We need to get good players, that is a fact.
  4. We need the best player available- we don't have great blocking and don't have any playmakers.
  5. They are very high in fiber, from what I have heard. You are correct, though. We are not a Christian nation, although I really like his work on WWE Smackdown
  6. You obviously never have seen one of my nightmares
  7. I hear you- but it's a bit too important just to ignore. It would be nice if they didn't cross the line so often......we can hope.
  8. They foolishly promised transparancy during the campaign. Unfortunately, you have to grow up once you get in office.....
  9. Not just football, but all pro sports in general. They are all anti-capitalist. Socialism isn't what is best for our country, but it is downgraded by people in our country more than it should be. No economic system is evil- they all can be useful in certain settings. People just like to downgrade what they are told not to like- just like republicans are tirelessly berated in my family gathering.....I won't even get into that.....
  10. Are you implying that you dislike socialism? Thats funny, on a football board. I agree with you 100%, but I don't care what goes on in other countries- just ours.
  11. Sad, but probably true. As I said- American politics is a gladiator's pit and everything goes, unfortunately.
  12. Dear Mr. I get stepped on when I walk outside by the same people that took my lunch money in school If you couldn't see the sarcasm in that statement, I can't help you. It is a clear fact that our politicians do the wonderful job they do, because of the partisan divide we have. That statement was meant to be nonsense. President Obama is not the socialist that the right makes him out to be and Gingrich isn't the scandalous clod the left makes him out to be (although the hair is terrible). I still don't know what to make of President Bush- he increased spending to include two wars and numerous other things and decreased taxes- and be 'he", I mean the whole government- not him. If it seems like I equivocate on everything, it is because being successful will include a delicate balance of ideas from the right and left- if one side's ideas would fix everything, there would only be one side. If it makes you feel any better, my family thinks I am right wing.......
  13. Welcome to American politics. Newt was involved in a scandal with Freddie Mac and President Obama is a socialist plant, from the old Russian Czars......At least it's entertainment.......
  14. I don't know if I'd go that far, but they will fade into oblivion soon, if they don't come up with some coherent message. Either way, they have a right to protest (if done peacefully), I guess.
  15. I'd say Sanchez is, but we have a decent group of QBs in this division, compared to the other divisions
  16. Was Johnson the primary receiver on that play, did Fitzpatrick see something, or was everyone else covered?
  17. I really like the analogies to the Tea Party. The left demonized the Tea Party, by projecting a few racists on the whole movement. The right demonized the OWS movement by projecting some idiots on the whole movement. All about political advantage, not facts.....
  18. Allow me to clarify- given the choice between repealing the healthcare act and eliminating the barriers to competition, I think the choice is obvious. We save a lot more by creating competition. That said, I don't think much of the healthcare law.
  19. With guys coming unblocked at the QB, how is he supposed to play like a #1, whether he is one or not?
  20. They have been replaced by Madden Football games and idiotic sports talk radio..............
  21. The only thing that was insubstantial, is that it never will happen. Nobody can argue that competition would lower insurance prices.
  22. Well, if you want to go over there, fork over the money. Something has to be cut to do it, or we have to have a war tax (which we should have had, years ago)
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