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Everything posted by Adam

  1. You call it equivocating and that's fine with me. I just think neither side has the whole answer, but both have parts of it. Both sides want power and nothing else- even at the cost of bringing down the country.
  2. I'd give you a pass- if you consider getting punted in the head a pass
  3. I guess the wingnuts don't like people who are literate to only one side. You also have my permission to bask in my greatness.
  4. Some of that bad technique and people out of position are due to players trying to compensate for the garbage talent around them. Edwards may not be great either, but to completely blame him is the type of nonsense you typically get from fans
  5. My apologies OC, I have finally figured you out. You just want to bask in the radiance of my glory, like a child playing in the snow, in the summer sun, with Excaliber gleaming and shining. My greatness, to my dismay, is contagious.
  6. This is the line of thinking that has screwed a lot of franchises and businesses up. Winning reverberates through the fans- not pandering. You ignore the fans and focus on improving talent. Fans don't know squat and shouldn't be listened to.
  7. Not once you reach the age where weight and blood pressure become an issue.
  8. Yes and when he is, refer to rule 1. I honestly wish I could go back to that age. Everything was so simple. Just drink another one back then.....
  9. being at the actual age I am, I will take that as a compliment.
  10. yes, J Edgar was a pretty good movie. Theo messed a few things up, but I enjoyed it.
  11. We all are. I think we should all go home! LOL
  12. Personally, the latest allegations are a lot of nothing.
  13. Section B- See section C Section C- See Section B
  14. I hope Edwards does better when he has NFL players at linebacker and corner. Who are these guys? Go cry to Schopp and Bulldog now......
  15. Personally, I was hoping you would get fired from your job
  16. Willis Magahee had a great game today, as did Aaron Maybin. Hopefully Johnson goes on to have a great career elsewhere as well.
  17. Maybe we should let him, go, like we did with Maybin! How'd ya like watching him today!!!!!!
  18. The health care law isn't a good one, but there is a clear reason they were unable to get all they wanted, despite a super majority.
  19. Ok. We are very far from the group that revolted against Britain. Changing a law the scope of creating government run health care will never happen quickly. That isn't a bad thing, as rushing into something like that would be foolhardy.
  20. That's a bit naive. A lot goes into determining the yays and nays.
  21. Depends on how much you want to change it. Massive change takes a lot of time.
  22. You would be wrong if you thought that. The ability to make small steps over time is far from hopeless. Wanting massive change and wanting it now, is hopeless and impractical.
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