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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Pappa Smurf was a bum. I was so glad when he was gone.
  2. I think the offense vs defense argument is tired and old. Get as many playmakers as possible and you will win.
  3. Our best records, or good seasons? Kind of like Aaron Schobel- being our best doesn't make him very good......
  4. Those are really good fantasy football numbers. How was he on 3rd and long, or after taking a few hits
  5. Just get us some good players. If we have to get another coordinator, I want Bryan Cox, but I want to see what Edwards can do with real NFL players, not cardboard cutouts. People in Buffalo haven's seen real NFL players on their own sidelines in so long, they forget what it's like. I remember all the the "Aaron Schobel is so cool" talk a couple years ago, like a bunch of eight-year olds talking about Lady Gaga and Nickelback.
  6. Bledsoe was already awful by then.......
  7. Yes, if only we could put kelsay at corner and Mckelvin at nt. No coach could figure that out. Only the "best" fans in the world could.......
  8. Bananas are high in potassium, but like pizza sauce, it is not a vegetable.
  9. Yes, I am sure having guys attack different gaps is far beyond the scope of Dave Wannstadt's knowledge....
  10. I think you need to take that baritone out of your post! LOL Seriously, we can afford to do that with our military. We can't afford to put wars on the credit card with every country that commits an atrocity.
  11. dude. I am laughing at you right now. Not because I disagree, but because you are acting like I do. Social security was meant to be for about two years, not 20. It has turned from an end of life fund to a retirement supplement. As far as training, the military is there for defense, not to be employers. Has to be paid for, just the same.
  12. I neither quoted nor misquoted you. I think you are wrong about people not understanding the problem with entitlements. I just think we need to consider defense an entitlement and cut it as well. You want health care. Work for it. You want strong defense, budget for it. Enough of the credit card bs
  13. Both sides really need to cut it out with the overspending. You can't spend money you don't have on health care- Nor can you spend money you don't have on defense. Sure both are necessities, but that word doesn't go far in the check out lane at the grocery store. Someone here said we need someone who only wants one term- very true words.
  14. There is a couple minutes of ny life I will never get back.
  15. maybe you should have shown up as the ghost of occupations past.....
  16. Best of luck to him in getting his life and family in order. A shame his campaign had to end, but I think he made his mark. he can be proud of that.
  17. Newt has a much better chance of being elected than Romney.
  18. I don't think Cain ever had a shot, but I hope he doesn't drop out. I think he is an important voice right now.
  19. If I can find the time, I would like to see it. I honestly don't think a politician would be honest if they said they wanted to end lobbying, though. The fact that romney is running on the concept that he wanted a health care bill makes me sick. All it is, is an attempt to steal votes from the left. Run as who you are and let the chips fall where they may.
  20. personally, I hope romney loses to Newt. I wouldn't vote for romney, but I would vote for Gingrich, who is an honest man, unlike mitt, who I see as a fraud.
  21. Thanks. Colin is barely a step above buffalo sports radio and jerry Sullivan......I am correct.
  22. even if he was, it isn't a crime.
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