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Everything posted by Adam

  1. If you don't look to see what got better, then how do you fix what is wrong. This group IS NOT that good. Johnson should be playing in the slot and Bell should be on the bench. We don't have a pass rusher on the roster. Our secondary isn't great. Our QB isn't good enough. We are 7-9 under optimal conditions.
  2. Face it- he is right. Instead of looking at what improved and what didn't, lets start over. Fire Gailey, Nix, and the rest. Cut everyone. It's not about getting better, it's about having lazy opinions
  3. I don't disagree, but I wouldn't shell out the money to keep Bell. The players you listed, aside for Beebe were potential pro bowlers
  4. I am hooked- readng book 12 now!
  5. How many years has Marvin Lewis been in Cincy?
  6. As a fan, you can look at wins and losses for evaliuation, but if you want a true evaluation, you have to look at more than that. If you say a coach has to get to the playoffs to keep his job, but we miss it because of one fluke play- or get there because of one fluke play, then you are creating a problem. 1. It is the GM's job to aquire talented players, not the coach's 2. It is the players job to make plays, noth the coach's 3. Our schemes have done everything possible to maximize what talent we have- but you can't hide every weakness 4. Our schemes have made our offensive line look better than it is 5. Our quarterback has a knack for a dramatic, but his accuracy makes him struggle with the routine. 6. Our top potential playmaker just finished his second year and will get more playing rime as his blocking improves 7. Our top offensive threat was a running back who isn't the playmaking type. 8. Our top receiver would be better off in the slot, where he could tear up defenses 9. We have no pass rush at all 10. Our coverage isn't all that good FInal evaluation- be glad we weren't the worst team in the league
  7. Bell is a decent backup and nothing more. I don't like his strength at the point of attack at all. We have gotten so used to projects that he seems better than he is. Much like Johnson and Schobel
  8. You are complete;y wrong. No need to bother others with this disagreement. I have PMed you
  9. I love reading posts from internet tough guys, which I already knew you were.
  10. +1 Glad somebody understands how things work!
  11. And unfortunately, if that's all you go by, you go by, you will always be spinning your wheels. We have had improved play in a number of areas. By the way, how many superbowls did Big Jimmy win in Buffalo?
  12. I agree with benching Johnson. Those activities don't lead to winning- you need athleticism with discipline. Andre Reed never pulled that type of garbage- the only incident was when he bumped into an official, who was crowding his space. As far as not running enough? Offenses aren't balances and power running doesn't win anymore. Get ready to see smaller defenses very soon- with corners moving inside to safety, safeties moving to LB and LB's moving to the line.
  13. Which government bankrupted social security- Obama's or Bush's Since they obviously are seaparate entities to many of us. Aren't we actually the ULSA and UCSA?
  14. I was a fan of Damon Thomas, who looked to be a big guy over the middle for awhile.
  15. Syria, 9-11 and Guantanamo. Now tell me the world is a wonderful place. I try to find distractions to make it more bearable.
  16. Just like Schobel, his departure won't hurt us very much.
  17. Would have happened yesterday, but I think they were tidying up the office.
  18. Let's not get carried away here. Johnson is a guy that can make us a better team, especially if he learns self discipline. But, he clearly isn't a #1 guy.
  19. We would be better with him, but we lost with him and can lose without him.
  20. Well, nothing can compare to a bad actor knocking a camel unconscious.
  21. Does fun have to go 15 yards for the other team? Why do we need Welker- how many times have people equated Parrish to Welker
  22. Their healthy stuff still is terrible for you- there is a reason I always eat at home now It's like the original Conan the Barbarian- it is so bad, it is classic
  23. If it weren't for all these unhealthy XBox playing, McDonalds eating people, maybe we would be a bit healthier and wouldn't need ludicrous health care bills
  24. I am not talking about every minute of every day, but I remember when the Blizzard of '77 was a problem- now discussion among parties is a bad thing, terrorists want to kill us and everyone is two busy on XBox to play outside. Very different world
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