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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Wow. And i thought Allen merely took a jab at the fans of an opposing city. I will have to take a looks, as that obviously isn't the case.
  2. No. It was a space Odyssey. A very short one. Learn your movies.
  3. no, I have't but I have been very lucky to talk to people who have. God bless the fact that they came back and were able to tell the tale. If it offended you, I am sorry for that. They brought shame to the Marine Corp. And i stand by my opinion of them, though.
  4. I can understand your logic, but there is a fallacy there. Had they been alive, there may have been a threat. They were dead, couldn't detonate a bomb or use any weapons. It is the equivalent of unconditional surrender. Their actions brought much dishonor to the United States Marine Corp. That is unconscionable. There is no excuse for what they did. I don't care about adrenaline or any of that garbage. Our Marines are among thw most disciplined soldiers- no, most disciplined people in the world. This stupid, pointless act has bismirched what many have died for. It can't be condoned for any reason. I have the utmost respect for all of our servicemen and I am lucky to have many friends that have served. I hope never to meet these people, as they are a complete disgrace.
  5. I wouldn't worry about it, since he is refusing to answer a simple question about protocol. It wasn't a hard question either.
  6. Answer the question. Would that be an appropriate or inappropriate action.
  7. ok. If the Taliban soldiers layed down there weapons and surrendered, then were gunned down by our troops, what would you think of that action?
  8. ouch. You wound me. You haven't seen hopeless in you life, so that is a bunch of garbage. Those guys are plain trash and will get what is coming to them. Adrenaline. That is right up there with the insanity plea in murder cases. I am playing air violin for those poor people who couldn't control their emotions, despite extensive training.
  9. It is sad to see someone making excuses for Marines. Soon to be former Marines. No discipline and no dignity.
  10. continuing to fire on them after thw firelight is won is one thing. A number of people lowering their pants to piss on them isn't adrenaline.
  11. I understand your feelings on that- I have seen people feel that way and have felt the same way myself. Regardless of the path a person ends up on, they had equal chances of taking the "good" or "bad" path at one point. Once the chosen path has concluded and the person is dead, the potential of the person in the other direction can be recognized. Think of the good a man with the influence of Hitler could have done, if he had chosen a different path. Pretty sad, when you think about it. Either way, when the person dies and can cause no more problems, their body should be treated as any other.
  12. I had family that lived through the horrors of the Holocaust. Once Adolph Hitler was dead, I didn't wish for anything futher to be done to his body. Would you be for taking a gun/knife and attacking the dead body? The person is gone. There is no longer a military objective. I will also add- our military should have reason for their actions- not just doing things for the heck of it- like this was.
  13. As Magox said, we are expected to behave in a certain manner (and I agree with that expectation.) We are supposed to be civilized. We killed them- we won. Pissing on the dead bodies, whether is is seen or not, is going for something beyond the victory. You can argue the value or non-value of public executions all you want, but once the person is dead, it should be over. Yes, if the Seal Team did that, they should be dishonorably discharged, whether we saw it or not. I will admit that I am not the most eloquent person in the world......
  14. I am trying to find something I didn't cover. I don't care about the PR at all. Taking such an action without gaining some sort of military action is ridiculous. What is the corpse going to do? If you are going to do anything, give the corpse a proper funeral- and not for PR reasons, either. You call the Taliban soldiers soul less- I call these people soul less.
  15. Yes. All corpses are above desecration. The deceased person is dead- there is no advantage to gain over them, nor will they commit an further crimes or attrocities. The people that did it are 100% cowards.
  16. How could they rape or commit any crime, if they are already dead- that showed a lot of bravery, on the part of our soldiers. I can't justify the action at all- dishonorable discharges for all of them. That better?
  17. Do we know what vast military advantage taking to time to do this action gave us? As I said before, if they were doing this to me family or friend, I would take it upon myself to put an end to it very quickly.
  18. It would definitely be fillibustered!
  19. Unfortunately, most people want to rationalize the action into being fine and dandy. I think atrocity is too strong a word, but it is horrible and unnecessary.
  20. Yes, the people committing the act are far better than those who expose it......... If it were my family or friends they were pissing on, I can guarantee, it would be answered.
  21. And no politician in history, other than President Obama, has done this? As I said- it is a clear sign of why the system is broken. The people who would have voted for him anyways will agree that he fixed the economy, and the people who wouldn't have voted for him anyways, still won't. It may sway a couple independents who either believe it or are offended by it.
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