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Everything posted by Adam

  1. He is the only one who is a real threat to President Obama. Ron Paul could have been, but isn't eloquent enough- and despite what people say, that matters a lot. What is being done to Gingrich isn't fair, but the question was- it IS news!
  2. I think we should be taxed 100%. I know I can't be trusted to use my money wisely.
  3. Now I will openly admit that I don't know much about the logistics of the pipeline. From a simpleton's (I will refrain from saying idiot, out of respect to DC Tom's trademark), standpoint- wouldn't it make more sense to build a refinery up north instead of a pipeline that will span the width of the country? It may create a few less jobs, but the jobs are temporary to begin with.
  4. Not even paying attention to this garbage- it is as stupid as the impeachment of President Clinton. That said, the question had to be asked at the debate last night, as it is in the news.
  5. I would call it parabolic, as it is more geometry than calculus.
  6. I used to enjoy lemming merangue pie over the holidays.
  7. Magic 8-ball told me to ask again later.....
  8. SO you are saying that it was better to let him go, than it would be to get football players on the team- I guess it is a rule in Buffalo, not to have more than three at one time.
  9. And I ask again- what would be wrong with having the refinery up north, instead?
  10. Just taking a deserved swipe at some of the fans- it is frustrating to see them constantly running good players and coaches. And frustrating that our owner continues to listen and think like them
  11. I wouldn't mind Calais Campbell and Broderick Bunckley, as I think they would improve our depth. I really would like Mario Williams, but don't see that happening. Colston would be a great addition, but the Saints aren't letting him go
  12. If we go 4-3, I think Ingram is our guy.
  13. We still need a QB and are more than 1 defensive lineman away. We also need help at the other 2 levels on defense and at WR/OL
  14. Problem is, they tend to keep their good players- we tend to run them off, because they can't do everything by themselves.
  15. Now you wouldn't be saying its a talent differential would you? It can't be- we have Roscoe Parrish, doggone it!!
  16. I hope he succeeds, much like Donte Whitner- Please notice how he is playing, now that he is in a football town. Just like when he was in Columbus, he is playing in a championship game.
  17. You aren't wrong at all. And despite what many on the left say, the bureaucracy of our government tied his hands on Katrina- he can't just snap his fingers and send help. That makes me wonder why there is so much more hoopla over the presidential election than the congressional elections.
  18. Many of the criticisms of President Bush tick me off. Yes, his decision to go to war without raising taxes to pay for it was a bad one (and the two sides could discuss many of the war, ad nauseum). But the attack on 9/11 was going to hurt our economy one way or another. THAT ISN'T HIS FAULT! We had to respond in some manner, and that would further damage the economy- that isn't his fault either. The problem is that with the damaged economy, people who were ALREADY living beyond their means were more damaged, and instead of adjusting their lifestyle, they want to blame someone else and keep screwing up- that's their problem- not President Bush's, not President Obama's. Learn to live within your means, and things fall into place. I know some may find that heartless, but it really isn't.
  19. Talent wise, it isn't even close, but the league isn't either. I reserve judgement.
  20. Didn't read either article and not planning to. Without reading it, I know our economy is suffering. It is not because of President Obama, and despite some questionable decisions, it isn't because of President Bush either. It is not the Obama economy, the Bush economy, my economy or your economy- it is the US Economy. Like it or not, our economy is tied to the rest of the world's and that isn't going to change- there are things we can do here and there (which would take sacrifice and work ethic- so forget it), to make things a little better. Things aren't going back to the way they were 15-20 years ago, anytime soon. That may not be a terrible thing, either.
  21. If he falls to 4, Cleveland will take him- and that's a big IF
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