When the smoke clears, I am always on the winning side! lol
Seriously, if the conservatives put down their red flag, the liberals put down their blue flag, and we all picked up the Red, White and Blue flag, maybe we could get something done. I don't care if it is capitalism, socialism (well, maybe I care a bit), martianism, plutonium, whatever. It is time that We the people demand the finger pointing stop and be replaced by action. I am tired of blaming Presidents Bush and Obama for what WE are doing wrong.
Personally, I want spending cuts and tax hikes (with the revenue going to pay the deficit). Cuts need to be made on BOTH entitlements and the military- we can't afford what we are spending on either. People won't want to tighten their belts, but it is better to tighten them not, than it will be later.
Heck, all anybody on either "side" wants is for all the problems to go away- but we need to stop demonizing each other and reducing the other side to sound bites in a mad power grab. Playing politics won't fix problems, it only makes them worse.