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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Being the top rushing team won't get you dar- the fact that we can't do anything else effectively is not his fault- I'm just saying.....
  2. It was the internal conflict between our avatars, which made you say that.
  3. Jeb Bush would have won the nomination awhile ago.
  4. The problem is that conservatives demonize liberals, but painting the image of them as being completely whacko and far left on everything imaginable, without the reasoning power to see the validity of the counter-arguments. Liberals do the exact same thing to conservatives. Neither side really notices they do this, either. Me, I just keep circling- Like a vulture!
  5. I really don't want to demean his accomplishments, but where did he carry us to?
  6. He isn't in the Thurman Thomas/Barry Sanders/Emmitt Smith mold, no. Did I say he wasn't good? I challenge you to find that statement. Today's offenses don't lend themselves to making RBs into game changers, unless they are massively involved in the pass game.
  7. Should it matter? I have talked to non-fans about the Superbowl many times. I find it laughable that this became such an issue.
  8. I saw that some of the Giants players criticized her for the comments. I wonder if they were critical of other fans' comments as well? I guess she doesn't have the same rights as any other fan.........
  9. I am clearly not a supporter of President Obama (although I would like him to be as successful as possible), but given the divide that exists in Congress, I don't think many people would be able to get a heck of a lot done. Call that defeatist if you want, but I am saying we should step up and do something about it.
  10. Why would anyone trade a first round pick for Fred Jackson. Honestly, I understand why people like him as much as they do, but he isn't a game-changer that you have to game plan for. He reminds me of Benjarvis Greene-Ellis. If we could get a first round pick for him, I would laugh all the way to the bank.
  11. I honestly don't know enough about the French to understand what this means. I love living where I do, and I am sure the people of France enjoy whatever lifestyle exists there, so I won't run that down.
  12. I don't think President Obama will win in a landslide, but I think he will win. I see Romney as a guy who will get very frustrated and flustered in the debates, and could come off as bad as Al Gore did. Despite the fact that it shouldn't matter, I think it will win the vote of the lazy independents, who don't check the background of the candidates.
  13. Welker is getting old and is a slot guy. We need an outside playmaker- and so does New England.
  14. Our tax code is awful- I am a moron on economic matters, and I can see that. I don't think we have the guts to do it, but I would like to see us scrap the entire thing and start over. To simplify things: 1. Start with a completely flat tax 2. Decide on how many bi-partisan ammendments/exemptions can be added to it- and set a clear limit. Each would last one year and be renewable. Each could only include one thing from each side. What I would expect this to do, is put the top priority from each side of the aisle on the same bill, which would make that easiest to extend each year. Then their could be a #2, a #3, and so on. Now, I know there are probably tons of flaws anyone could point out in such a simple plan, but isn't the complexity of the current system one of the major problems? Make everything simple, and we'll all be happy....even if things aren't better!
  15. A ticket of Newt and Paul would consolidate the conservative vote, many independents and some democrats. It would also bring Paul's.die hard base to the table and put the ticket over the top. Romney will lose the lazy independent vote in the debates, and that is a more important group than people like to admit.
  16. Mostly because I come off that way sometimes, because i don't always express my stance clearly. I get that. But I honestly don't care about this issue. These people will go away by themselves. You want to talk defeatist? How about the apparent candidate? Romney will look like Al Gore in the debates. I hope the people voting for him in the primaries will enjoy the four more years they helped bring about.
  17. I don't see this as something worthy of my time and just don't have an opinion on. If they truly have something to protest and change, they will get the message out. At that point they will be judged on that message. Otherwise, they are venting about various things they don't like. In that case, they will fade into oblivion and not even be remembered. This is the most likely scenario.
  18. patience? I have little else. I watch people on both sides make fools out of themselves and laugh at them. When I get bored, I circle like a vulture.
  19. Thanks to you, it is now complainers about complainers about complainers about complainers. That would be the the fourth power, I believe. If that is their message, fine. Let them vent and then it will be over. If not, get your message out. It either gets fixed or doesn't (if there is a problem to be identified). Then you can go home.
  20. Sad that some of the antics really aren't amusing. If they have a message, I wish they would get it out- even if I disagree with the message.
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