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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Would you lump processed foods with sugar?
  2. I heard a story about a kid walking down the hall with a pop tart- his teacher took it away from him. The teacher has no right to do that. If the teacher wants to dictate, then the teacher should buy the food. But if you want the students to eat better, you give them chicken nuggets? That's kind of backwards.....doesn't get much worse than processed chicken nuggets. I want something to be done- I don't want people to be told by doctors to change their lifestyle or their will be consequences, like I was told. Problem is, how far do you go. There is a dilemma there, if you believe in individual rights. If you don't then I can't help you.
  3. Not really- I'm just really not smart enough to figure how to get done what I want done. Do we really want people to take food from our kids that we pay for? The change has to come from better parenting- and this country is in DIRE NEED of that!
  4. I'm mixed. As a country, we don't eat as well as we should. That said, I don't think this is the right way to fix things. Chicken nuggets? Are you kidding me? That's as dumb as saying that pizza is a vegetable. To qualify that, I ate worse than a 5-year old for 39 years, until my doctor told me I had to stop. I was eating Burger King/McDonalds twice a day, pizza hut twice a week, and a 5-hour energy every day (sometimes two)
  5. Well, wouldn't that relieve a lot of money that goes into maintaining them? Nukes are nukes, after all, how many do you really need? I know some think that money springs forth from a fountain, but the deficit won't make itself go away, and neither side wants to budge on what they want to be untouchable.
  6. As far as the Giants O-line goes, they have to be good enough to overcome an incompetent offensive coordinator. You showed a lot more class with that answer than I would have- There is nothing wrong with that, it says something about you and your girlfriend that you would do that.
  7. I would stick with him until we find someone better available. He isn't very good, but is serviceable for now. We have enough holes to fill without creating more. Build a good team where you can.
  8. Yep. It didn't look right when I typed it. Been a ling say. LOL.
  9. No- just thought it was wise and thought provoking. The fact that the dinosaurs died off before we could tax them into extinction is pissing me off.......
  10. Hairston has a chance to be a starting caliber right tackle- we can't keep moving him around though- or he won't have a shot at being good enough.
  11. Nanker- that is a very inciteful quote. I like it alot.
  12. Neither Fitzpatrick, nor our offensive tackles are good enough. Fitzpatrick is a very good backup QB.
  13. I would resign Johnson and move him to the slot AND offer to make Williams the highest paid player in the league. Then I would draft the best available defensive player, unless an explosive WR were available.
  14. I preferred the posts about us having unlimited money for the military and entitlements. I can almost hear Emperor Palpatine cackling "UNLIMITED MONEY".......
  15. just because he is president, doesn't mean he gets the power to do those things.
  16. that line of thinking is what leads to problems. There isn't money to take care of the baby boomers, but it looks like we will do ot anyways. I expect we will also be at war with Iran soon as well.
  17. All about priorities. If you can't afford to wage war, then you don't wage war. Same philosophy for the entitlements.
  18. I think Paul is more the 'true" conservative than Santorum.
  19. That in itself needs to be changed. I may be way off on this, as we all tend to be over-nostalgic, but this country seemed so much better when I was a kid.......Nostalgic or not though, to put all over it on the President is a joke as well. I am getting by though, so how much can I complain.
  20. When was it redefined? Who originally defined it? Since when was divorce NOT punishable by death, by definition? Our economy is crumbling. I can accept that the debate on when life starts in an important issue in society. This is a joke. And speaking of the Judiciary, how is it that they get a pass, and we focus all on Congress and the Presidency? Our Supreme Court is a joke.
  21. Not Spiller, Peterson. And i am not for trading Jackson- we would never get value.
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