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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Should they allow a human judge to try other humans?
  2. Why not- it's what all the cool kids are doing......
  3. I think I would do it, based on the fact that we know he can handle being a passer- he has a good arm, can make tough throws (not just the long ones) and looks like he can handle reading defenses. His speed is a nice addition, but look at what it does in the context of an offense: His ability to run changes the defensive dynamic on third downs and creates the ability to pull the defensive coverage off the receivers as he nears the line of scrimmage- because he has to speed to take it the distance- pretty much the same way a fast receiver scares and stretches the defense. He can be a game changer and there aren't a lot of those in the league. Imagine the fear that a lightning fast backfield of RGIII and Spiller could create. Then add Jackson as a grinder and Johnson getting that much more help. Not to mention how this benefits the defense by putting up points and keeping them off the field.
  4. Ron Paul acknowledges that we won't fix things without it causing pain- something neither side wants. Both sides call him crazy, but I think we all have been taught crazy things, and that's why his ideas seem crazy to us. He is the sane one, everyone else is nuts- which renders him useless.
  5. unfortunately, most of this country is more than willing to bow to a king.....or political party. As if there is a difference.
  6. Does one always have to be right, to be considered great?
  7. This reminds me of a quote I saw the other day. Trying to argue politics is like telling somebody their baby isn't cute......
  8. Whether or not someone believes in Satan is irrelevant. It tells whether you think a bad activity was motivated intrinsically or extrinsically. After said act has been committed, does it really matter why? That said, Roger Santorum's rant was disturbing.
  9. I don't know a ton about him, but he seems to have a pretty good head on his shoulders and all of my friends and families (both democrats and republicans) in Florida rarely complained and often praised him. I think he seems much better than this group. Unless he did run, I wouldn't bother researching him, but my guess is that I would vote for him over President Obama
  10. Get Eli away from Killdrive, and he could be amazing.
  11. I was just saying that they projections don't mean anything- from either side. These plans are not implemented in a vacuum. Yes, but who has that, now-a-days.......I keep thinking that I am going to wake up to a press conference announcing that the primary was joke a joke and that Jeb Bush is the republican candidate.
  12. I understand that- but if you vote for someone based on this estimate and that estimate turns into garbage, because it left no money for something unforseen, then, where are you?
  13. AS you all know, I am not an economics major. That said, I laugh at all these projections. Do they account for technology shifts, bubbles, natural disasters and the rest of the world's economy? It is nice to look at models to tell us what would happen if all things are equal, but things won't be equal. So who cares about those models.
  14. Actually, he is much better, now that he is on an NFL caliber franchise
  15. Either side can run deficits, as everybody wants what they want. Very easy to fall into that trap and think you need more than you can afford.
  16. I am sure many of his comments are being taken out of context, but they weren't a good idea.
  17. Any books out there that cover President Reagan bankruptcy the soviets, as you said? I was fairly young when he was in office and never heard anything like that before. From what i remember of him, I think he would be embarrassed by the references made about him today.
  18. Yawn. Only if a roulette wheel and a hammer is involved.
  19. I think I have forgotten what the discussion was about.
  20. Dang it! You just ruined my day. I was going to follow that formula and buy an iPad, new laptop and a 90 inch tv, all on my credit card. Oh well.
  21. Now that I think about it, why would somebody want to have cake, if they weren't going to eat it?
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