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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I don't think its a good law. It was basically taped together and rammed through. It won't really affect me all that much- I guess that's a bad outlook. Chef- you are absolutely 100% right. You just keep hearing that garbage over and over again- then start spewing it as well......My bad.
  2. My problem isn't you. I just grow tired of the demogouging on both sides. If the Affordable Health Care Act stands, I am fine. If it is repealed, I am fine. Chances are that neither my salary, nor insurance will change. I just wish the people who want it repealed (and I am mainly talking about those in Congress( could call it by its proper name, instead of making up pet names. Both sides of the aisle are just as bad.
  3. Tactics that have been used ad nauseum by both sides. Most republicans are as you say (you will never convince some on the left of that). Limbaugh hasn't helped the issue with his idiotic and vile comments (The comments being kept out there don't represent the thoughts of anyone I know). Problem is that unless one side comes up with a prefect plan, the other side will demogouge it to death- and there is no perfect plan. That deserved to be bolded, underlined and resized. I don't think anyone on either side of the aisle or the middle could ever disagree with that. While I am not big on the whole contraception issue, it is the big topic right now, so I thought I would chime in. If the law says that it has to be provided, they should have to provide it. If the law doesn't specify that, they they have an out. What I am against, is the ability to only enforce laws that one deems good laws, I may have been unclear on that last night.
  4. If they give a waiver, that is legal. I am not familiar with a law named Obamacare. Sorry, but I was taught in grade school to refer to things by their proper names. There is no Obamacare or Rombeycare. There may be an Adamcare law in the near future, though.
  5. Well thank you then. Still going to sleep though. Catching up on some z's after a long week! LOL
  6. Wow. I am at a total loss on how to answer this. So i will settle for this. Good night y'all.
  7. I agree with you- there really is no need to debate the issue. I don't know what the law is and don't need to know. Whatever it is, it stands for all businesses. If it is required to include that in the insurance, the church does not have an out. If it is not required by law, they do not need an out. It can't be any clearer than that.
  8. nothing wrong with the church as a religious institution being against birth control. The problem is that they are also a place of business. If other businesses are required to provide that coverage, then they should be required as well. If other places have the option not to provide the coverage, then it isn't an issue. Wrong, but apparently you are having trouble reading. Maybe time for new bifocals.
  9. Agreed. It shouldn't be a big deal when someone asks how are you doing or what's up. Takes two seconds. I don't blame schopp he is just keeping with wgr Kayfabe
  10. Sorry, but the BS is mindless talk radio. Absolutely stupid garbage. There is always time for manners.
  11. my stand is that that far left and far right are 100% wrong 100% of the time. Being in the middle looking for a correct answer is better than throwing out the answer you were given to parrot by a politician which is guaranteed to be wrong. Where's that fence post now?
  12. When they hold Sunday sermons and give people spiritual guidance, they are a place of worship. When they hire people and provide benefits, they are a place of business. The two need to be separate, even if they are in the same place. I find that best for both aspects of the church. Business shouldn't affect religious decisions, nor should religion affect business decisions. That's how it is.
  13. The government should not decide if the beavers get married, they should decide so, themselves, as they have rights. Honestly, I said that i don't like Limbaugh based on what i heard of him. Do you really want me to start listening to him again, so I can give you specific examples of what i don't like? You may call that taking a stand, but I call it a waste of time. My schedule doesn't allow for a waste of time like that.
  14. Agreed. But wgr doesn't design their on-air characters that way.
  15. Since when have you known me to care what people think of me; LOL. I don't remember specifics of what I have heard him say. I just remember him mixing some facts in with hateful spew- a time tested formula to get people to listen and buy into what is said. Don't like him and don't like talk radio in general. Sensationalizes everything.
  16. doesn't bother me that you like him. I choose not to do it, because I haven't listened to him in at least eight years, don't plan on listening to him again and don't have the time or care enough to dig up old comments by him. He grates on me like the guys from MSNBC that I get stuck listening to every time I visit family. I can't stand partisan hacks that just spout hate towards the other side.
  17. most of my conservative friends consider him a blow hard and don't even think he believes half of what he says on the air. In fact, I know a lot more liberals who listen to him than conservatives.
  18. I don't know which is more sad- that he is considered media or that he is given credibility. Few conservatives think like him, yet they are portrayed as if they do.
  19. You are absolutely right. I completely apologize and I wish the church would vote to abolish the constitution and implement their own, as that has historically worked well Sometimes people just say the dumbest things. Just think about this statement for 30 seconds and see if you want to take it back.
  20. Yes, but Limbaugh is the media. We may not like that, but it's become the way it is.
  21. That's irrelevant. Santorum has neither a chance at the nomination, nor, the general election. Without looking at the numbers and going based on what I hear people on the left and independents saying, I think Ron Paul has no chance at the nomination, but the best chance at winning the general election if he did. I am sure Santorum is a good man with good ideas, but I think his religous rhetoric will scare the independents off. Just my opinion, FWIW Sorry, but if they don't like it, they don't have to hire people. We may not have a great option, but I'd prefer that the government makes laws deciding such things, and the catholic church should refrain from deciding them. Religous organizations gaining too much power is just as bad, if not worse than the government getting too much.
  22. Schopp's WGR personality is a complete fraud, as is all of the other guys' on their shows. He actually was quite normal when I heard him on a national show. WGR pollutes the minds of its personalities and listeners
  23. So am I- if the judge is of the same species, isn't that conflict of interest. OK, ok, I get it. Should a christian judge preside over a case involving christians?
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