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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Stop looking at sack numbers. Williams is a fundamentally sound player in every aspect of his position, who can flash his athleticism, when the situation calls for it. He is one of the best in the game and a key part of why Houston was so good last season. Put him next to Dareus next year and you have the foundations of a great defense. If Kyle Williams returns to form, there is another block, and next to those three, I think Kelsay would be VERY good. If we could find a linebacker with one of our top two picks, I'd say we could have a dominant defense. With the effect he would have on the overall defense in elevating people, it would be worth it- and more.
  2. You mean President Lincoln wasn't reading off an iPad? Oh, the indignity!
  3. What pass rusher do you want to spend big money on?
  4. I think the situation called for that- it basically called the recent incidents anomalies that we aren't proud of. For the most part, we all are proud (and in awe) of the work our military does for us to maintain our freedoms. We must always keep in mind that despite what they do, they are humans and have the same human weakness as the rest of us. Be it the recent incidents or the stuff that happened at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib
  5. For the people who are going crazy right now- do you understand what brain injuries or dementia can lead one to do? I am not justifying what was done, but I do understand it. I see it as this- He is accountable for his actions, but not responsible for them. Very sad and tragic on all counts- he should be brought to justice, but it wasn't murder.
  6. There is a reason the founding fathers were against a two-party system (or at least I heard that they were). Sometimes we seem right or left wings, because of conversations we are drawn into, more than our own stance.
  7. Anyone who is bitter about someone else having more than them is wasting energy that could be used productively. That goes for both sides of the aisle. And anyone who has an unbending ideology of any kind is insane.
  8. LOL, try being an independent and listening to that from both sides for a very long time! Bush Bad, Obama Bad.......Impeach Clinton......Bush raised Taxes, Reagan sold weapons......Carter ruined the economy.......
  9. And the people responding to them all the time......both. The church has an agenda, just like every other group. Just like every other group, there are blockades to prevent them from realizing that agenda. Could you imagine what our country would be without those blockades?
  10. Does it really matter- with Romney and Santorum, people are talking way too much about religion.
  11. No, it's not the government's role, it's the lunatic fringe's role- on both sides. I cringe at any laws about this because 1. You can tell me it isn't a human life and I can't prove you wrong 2. You can tell me it is a human life and I can't prove you wrong 3. You can tell me it is a parasite and you may technically be right, but that is idiotic All belief about what it is, is based on personal belief alone.
  12. Autocorrect drives me nuts. Wait till you are my age and typing on a phone. Was supposed to say you, not roh. Although roh is a nice little independent wrestling promotion.
  13. I am trying to find the.point at which this thread jumped the shark. That phrase may need to be renamed soon.....
  14. I lump them together because it allows me to be lazy and pessimistic. Everything you said is completely wrong and I don't need to fall back on logic to prove that I am right- I can just say that I am right, simply because I am. Jauron Gailey is to blame for all the losing. If we just make a change, we will be in the playoffs next year, I just know it has to be true!
  15. I think you could probably say the same about Rush Limbaugh's comment- he panders a lot (at least he did when I listened) and a lot of times you push the envelope, then push a little more, then you screw up. If he was speaking his own mind and not trying to please his listeners, I doubt words like that would ever come out of his mouth. Like him or not he is an intelligent man and not that uncivilized. Personally, I can't stand that genre of entertainment. Plays too much on partisan discord.
  16. Are you saying that you were the guy who makes the "chicken" mcnuggets
  17. Wouldn't he need to be funny, to be considered a comedian
  18. I think he will complete his investigation before handing out any penalties.
  19. The GOP doesn't need to disavow Rush Limbaugh, any more than Muslims needed to disavow Osama Bin Laden. There is no connection on either side- except to would-be detractors. We really need to start judging people on their own actions and merits. I find both of the above examples offensive to a lot of good people.
  20. that isn't really fair. The words came from him- nobody else.
  21. I have really lost interest in this. If any of the accusations against her are true, I really don't know. If there was an issue, it has been obscured by Rush Limbaugh's stupid comments. Both sides of the aisle will continue to defend themselves to the bitter end, though. I grow bored of them.
  22. I was referring to whether Hillary Clinton is in a diplomatic or political position. All these idiots, their comments and the people who think they are funny are morons! Conservative, liberal, martian or otherwise, it is uncivilized
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