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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Hadn't picked up that genre in awhile and just decided to give it a go. Hadn't heard of the board game
  2. Has anyone read any of them- with The Hobbit movie coming, I decided to check them out a few months ago, and I'm hooked
  3. I agree- we know little, but based on the hand picked evidence that has been presented, it doesn't look good for Zimmerman. The phone calls played really make it look like he was pursuing Martin and not just defending himself. The fact that he pulled a gun during a confrontation doesn't help him either- that is an aggressive action.
  4. I remember a time in the 1990's, when the Cardinals were set to have the "best line in the league" and it never materialized. I want to see it on the field.
  5. I would have, but I didn't take a stand on what TV shows I watch
  6. Never thought of that. I guess its all good, since it was going on before
  7. Williams is gone for the season and his situation will be reviewed by the NFL after the season ends. I hope we never hear from him again......
  8. Wouldn't this just be considered the right to defend oneself?
  9. If people stopped thinking there was a magical solution to the deficit, then we could get something done. There is no painless way to eliminate or minimize the deficit. Cuts have to be made in every area and taxes need to be raised. Otherwise, we can hope that people are right about 12/21/12.....
  10. No, there wasn't a surplus, but the economy was in better condition. Then we got hit by 9/11 and our economy was damaged in so many areas. Then the deficit grew. Then we cut taxes and went to war. Then we passed a terrible "Healthcare" law. Now, the problem has become more "How can we get anything done, when we all are told to disagree on everything" more than fixing the problem. politics, politics, politics......
  11. Not a bad option- I wonder how our cover guys will do with the improved pass rush. Add him to the mix and you just know the pass rush and coverage will help compliment each other.
  12. Couldn't care less where that puts me. I don't think politically, like these other people do. Right is right, wrong is wrong- and that puts democrats and republicans on the same side.
  13. Sorry but your definition of equivocate isn't in the dictionary of a sane person. I guess everything that isn't left wing or right wing is equivocating. Sorry, but I prefer to think for myself.
  14. I don't disagree with calling her out, but I am just saying that both sides are arguing more for political leverage for the election than for any cause. That's a real shame.
  15. I don't consider it that way. I just go with my conscience on issues, I don't really like either side, and even when I consider one side morally right, I think they are doing it more for political reasons than anything else. I think this issue is being used for political leverage on both sides of the aisle, more than concern over what they say they are fighting for.
  16. No- it is a definitely. Both sides are definitely rubbish.
  17. Yes, I read about this already. I am fed up with the garbage on both sides. They are both a joke
  18. No, but I listened to Judas Priest, when I was in high school
  19. Left: War on women Right: War on Religion Me: JUST SHUT UP!!!
  20. Fitzpatrick still isn't a great QB, but this will help him big times, as a good defense can cover the offense's flaws. There are many starting QB's worse than him, but he isn't great.
  21. I hear crickets from the "Ralph is cheap" crowd........
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