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Everything posted by Adam

  1. It's not a bad thing, either. No president can enact sweeping change- that takes a lot of time. The hope and change was campaign rhetoric and anyone who believed otherwise is even more naive than I am at my worst.
  2. I will add that former VP Cheney is becoming somewhat of an interesting person to me, since reading a bit about him in Donald Rumsfeld's book (which has been pretty good so far.) I still stick with what I said above, that since 9/11, I see the government as a group using pails to bail water out of an inflatable raft that is sinking into the ocean, as far as the economy goes. Neither side is willing to go through the painful measures to fix things (Didn't one of the candidates say something along those lines?)
  3. Which doesn't mean we get a quality player at that position, just because we want one. As Billick said the other day- Need is the worst talent evaluator.
  4. People can point the finger all they want. 9/11 was a disaster for our economy, not to mention a tragedy. If someone could come up with a solution to that disastrous day, which would have allowed our economy to remain prosperous, I hope they run for office. Point the finger at the Bush Administration, point the finger at the Obama Administration.......And that isn't to say that both administrations didn't screw some stuff up- they all do.
  5. I haven't seen enough facts to say it is or isn't, nor do I know enough about law to make that judgement. If there is someone here who knows enough about either, I would like to know. I may be dim, but people find me fairly acute.
  6. +1 on this. It is more than horrifying enough. I am hoping they get rid of King Asaad, and I hope they find better. It always can get worse.
  7. Well seriously- if they replace him and we don't stay there, what do you think will replace him? Someone just as oppressive or worse.
  8. What is happening in Syria makes me sick. King Asaad is horrible and an absolute butcher. The problem is, if we go in and remove him, who takes his place- it may be him again, or worse. It is a catch 22
  9. the thing that surprises me is the murder charge. Which leads me to believe there is a lot that isn't public knowledge. Hope it stays that way at least until after the trial.
  10. It does appear to be a big problem, but i wouldn't say that it can't happen.
  11. Inconsistent hands? There are offensive linemen with better hands......
  12. I could have sworn I heard him make a comment about it, where he talked as if it was his bill. I could be mistaken. I would enjoy watching Gingrich debate Obama normally or with both guys reversing sides of the aisle, as I think he would beat him nearly as bad. As good a speaker as President Obama can be, Gingrich has a rare talent.
  13. My only problem with Romney is that he is running as if the bill was his. Other than that, he is much better than Santorum. There still is something I like about Gingrich and Paul. Romney always was going to be the nominee though. It will be a very close election
  14. We know that, just as much as we know that he instigated it. I understand that people want justice (or at least they say they do). If they truly want justice, the first thing they need to do is stop demanding that something be done immediately- that seldom leads to justice and most often does the exact opposite.
  15. Agreed, those in the know, realize he has a shot at turning into something.
  16. Yep. I think what is lost in the bickering over the case is that both sides (however partisan they seem) feel for the Martin family and their loss. I don't think either side agrees with what the Black Panthers are doing. If the police did anything improper, they should pay for it- but it appears that they did everything they were supposed to do. For all the people screaming about a hate crime- it has to be a crime, first.
  17. How can you be sure he is getting off "scott-free" or that he doesn't deserve to? We have nothing but circumstantial evidence and very dubious interviews. Zimmerman should get off "scott-free" until he is proven guilty. That is how our system is supposed to work.
  18. LOL, you should know by now that i am not the most eloquent person in the world.
  19. I will have to disagree on that. The involvement of Sharpton and the rest are the same as when they get involved in anything else and that's why it is so irritating to me. They seem to inflame racism more than quell it and it frustrates the heck out of me.
  20. I don't like them much either, but I think we both would agree that they have a right to protest whatever they want. I won't assume what their actual motives are, but if they are honestly protesting, they have become good at shooting themselves in the foot. I don't know that Id say that I want it to be swept under the rug as much as I wish people that weren't involved would just get on with their lives and let the system work as it is supposed to.
  21. Because no new facts are out about it. I am tired of the story. I don't want to turn on the tv and see either a family suffering from the loss of their kid, a guy being tried by the media or someone else trying to gain from this. I really love having a.kindle right now.
  22. it would be nice to shove this specific case under the rug for now, as Zimmerman has no chance at a fair trial right now if it does go to court. A biased conviction or him getting off on a mistrial helps nobody. You mistake not being over emotional for apathy.
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