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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Please expand. I have been reading about Iraq lately and i am interested in more informed opinions than my own.
  2. So the war authorization act (that isn't the proper name, but I am drawing a blank) doesn't take care of that? I am posing that as a question and not being sarcastic or anything. I have no idea, myself.
  3. I have heard a number of people call the war illegal. How was it illegal?
  4. I can see Sanders and Glenn both starting on offense and Gilmore starting on defense. It isn't about Day 1, 2012 anyways- it is about building a winner.
  5. And with a line of Sanders, Levitre, Wood, Glenn and Hairston, the offense may be improved as well- we will put up more points, just based on teh D getting us extra possessions.
  6. That is part true. I don't understand why the left blames President Bush for it and the right blames President Obama for it. What happened to being accountable- why can't they look in the mirror- are they afraid of what they may see?
  7. Agreed- he probably is the best corner on the team right now, which is a sad statement, considering he hasn't played a down at this level yet. We really needed and still need corners.
  8. I am not sure about the effect of "Pay your fair share" would have, as I am no expert on economics. What I don't like is the way he says it- fair share would indicate same percentage- whatever it is. Aside for a few, rich people do pay a heck of a lot. If he said "We are in hard times and have to ask to rich for more", then we made an informed decision on that, it would be easier to stomach. I know I didn't word that well, but hopefully the message got through.
  9. Over the past few months, CNN has moved further and further to the left.
  10. "Party time.....excellent!!! Wooowooo!!"- Wayne & Garth
  11. There are two ways to go to increase points scored- 1. Improve talent on offense to improve efficiency 2. Improve the defense and get more possessions So far, we have done #2. I am hoping we can add an impact OL and WR through the draft.
  12. Are you sure it isn't a hamlet, like Ebeneezer?
  13. I actually prefer the LSU guy over Still. I am blanking on the names of just about every player. Nasty bug going through town.....ugh. If we can make our defensive line even better, the whole defense will improve. I am not sold on McKelvin at all, but he has to be better with our improved front.
  14. Sub either the Penn State or LSU DT in the first round, as that makes our greatest strength even greater, and gives Williams more room for error as he tries to recover from injury. Sub the LB from North Carolina in the second round- man, that guy is fast! Forgive me for not having the names.....about 5 hours of sleep on the week, isn't a good thing......
  15. If it defines me, I am considering the DT's from Penn State or LSU as my first round pick (increase your strength, the DL) and the LB from NC as my second round pick. After that, we can concentrate on WR and hope Hairston holds up at LT for this year.
  16. True statement. I get the feeling that the trial is happening because of mob mentality, but I won't explode in a show of my faux outrage, because there is no way we know all the evidence. What we need to do, is take a step back, remember he is innocent until proven guilty and let the system do what it was put in place for. Our system isn't perfect by any means, but it has done admirably for a long time.
  17. The fallacy is that the game is played the same, but you just remove Owens. If you remove them forcing the ball to him, a lot of other things change as well.
  18. actually, he got to the Superbowl without Owens, then philly changed their offense to accommodate Owens when he returned.
  19. Jim Kelly was one of the best QBs of that era. Saying that he was flawed isn't an insult aimed at him. I don't know how people could knock those players and defend our recent guys, like Schobel.
  20. Which was the better QB? Heck if I know- It has been a long time since I regularly watched Kelly and I don't feel like doing a player by player breakdown on teammates. The Bills had one of the best lineups ever, but Kelly had some serious flaws as far as reading defenses. Still doesn't diminish what he accomplished.
  21. The comparison is valid. Buffalo's fortunes turned when Kelly came on board. Same for Philly, with McNabb. Yes, other players contributed to both turnarounds, I won't argue that point, but they were the point men.
  22. I wouldn't be shocked if we take him. Not at all.
  23. Ain't it beautiful how our system allows all the wingnuts to come up with all their ideas, but will always keep those ideas from coming to fruition.
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