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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I don't know if that's true or not. All I can tell you is that the people where I lived don't fit that description. The most racist place I lived was North Carolina, followed by Buffalo. I don't know why anyone would even make that an issue at all. My philosophy is: if it doesn't affect you, kind your own business
  2. I can only go from personal experience. The people in Mississippi I knew were very irritated by anything that could even slightly be construed as racist. I listened to some of the debate replays on cspan on my XM, but usually was too tired to follow. I had to work during most of the debates, unfortunately.
  3. I lived two years in Mississippi and saw far less racism than i did in buffalo and north Carolina.
  4. Like forcing a healthy lifestyle? Please tell ke that would be a bad thing.....
  5. I agreed with much of what you and AD said. I was, however offended by your talk about backwards redneck idiots, as you don't seem to know much about them.
  6. yes, all rednecks are against gay marriage and are very hateful people. Therefore you should be able to relate to them.
  7. I won't be surprised by any result. There are so many people on both sides of the aisle that will mindlessly vote party line. If President Bush were able to run again and ran as a democrat, I am sure they would vote for him. If President Carter ran as a republican, they would vote for him as well. That's why this will be so close.
  8. Not to be confused with the inglorious ones.......
  9. Top, bottom, neutral or defer? Seriously, I thought I posted a very civil response to what he said, and I got that? I don't get it.
  10. As far as the terrorists go, the book I am still reading had Donald Rumsfeld talking about the difference between Muslims and Islamic Extremists, differentiating them between one being a religion and the other being a militant political movement. In that sense, I can see where the good people are being wronged, having to be linked to people who they are against, and are against them.
  11. I would add Pete Metzelaars, Bryce Paup, Chris Speilman and Big Ted Washington
  12. Personally, I'd like to see Sanders at LT and Glenn at RG, with Hairston at RT
  13. Zimmerman may have made a mistake in continuing to follow. There are things that can follow that don't lead to him shooting Trayvon Martin though. Did Trayvon panic, thinking he was threatened, then just decide to attack Zimmerman? Just because Zimmerman may have made an initial error in judgement, it does not show malice, whatsoever (nor does it absolve him of it) Calling an incompetent President an "incompetent" qualifies as calling him names? M'kay. Someone should send the memo to Bill Clinton. I highly doubt any of our presidents have been incompetent. We may like the policies of some better than others, some may have had their terms blemished by world events, but it takes a great deal of competence to even get to that office.
  14. I may have to get that insurance company on the phone- the one that talks about eliminating the middle man. Wait till you find out how they go about doing that
  15. What ever do you mean? Isn't that how it's supposed to be set up?
  16. The troops are out there fighting for all of us (and nobody in particular) and the right to have our freedoms. Without them, they are nothing. The only way they should be implicated in this at all, is the fact that if somebody can serve, they should be able to get married if they want. Any other use of them is political and rhetoric.
  17. To me, the problem stems from the same thing that biggotry does (whether it is biggotry or not depends on the individuals definition of it). People just are afraid of that which is different, as it questions the validity of their own way of life and beliefs. That is part of human nature and will continue on, long after the previous generation is dead and gone. Unless, of course, the Mayans are right.....
  18. Would you say that a lot of the hatred on both sides is outright laziness and ignorance?
  19. No to Palmer and Tannehill. I would rather bring Kelly back.......
  20. Welcome to America. I don't think there should have been a vote at all (and no, I am not saying that in a derisive means of saying that you agree with me, because I don't think that you do.)
  21. By my opinion. The need to claim moral superiority (or any type of superiority) has caused horrible things over the years). The big question here, is that should federal, state or local government have any jurisdiction over this issue at all? Is it really a government issue? If it is left to the churches, how do we prevent a religious war over it. It really isn't the cut and dry issue that people want it to be.
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