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Everything posted by Adam

  1. The end of Revenge of the Sith- Vader breaks free of the stretcher and screams "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" All the while, Palpatine looks very uncomfortable about it.......
  2. That doesn't sound right. Sounds like limiting the government to me, not extending it.
  3. if you haven't seen Book of Eli, you should. I think you'd probably like it.
  4. As I said previously, it is just as unfair as the idiots who take bits and pieces of the Quoran and use it to rip Muslims. Some Christians are jerks, some aren't- the religion isn't the reason why. Same for any other religion or political belief.
  5. There are a lot of people on Twitter, refuting that Manny make that comment
  6. Sorry, but I don't live in an area with trees Not to mention, I look a bit more like Uncle Fester than anyone in that picture
  7. It is just as crazy, unfair and judgmental as those who quoted a few chosen pieces out of the Quoran. The fact is that nobody is perfect, but everyone will nitpick everyone else's lack of perfection.
  8. I wasn't directing that at anyone in particular. Just saying the only poll I really care about is the actual election.
  9. More like watermelons, but who cares. We will be stuck with one of them, you can take that to the bank
  10. Couldn't care less about the polls or who would win if the election was held now. There is a lot of time between now and November and my bet is that both guys will do plenty of damage to themselves and each other. A lot can happen and it will be very close.
  11. It was blacked out. I remember fans complaining that they wanted a replay on tv, because they didn't get to see it.
  12. Since we are looking at national defense as an issue, I have a question that needs to be asked- we have an Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, to protect all the different fronts that we can be engaged on. Is it time we create a new division for cyber attacks?
  13. Depends on what the problem is- my father suffered from multiple forms of dementia for about a decade and could out of nowhere, feel threatened and go into violent fits. Someone in that condition shouldn't have a gun. I probably should have been more specific.
  14. I was front row at about the 10-yard line. I remember Reed spiking the go-ahead touchdown and running right in front of me. At no time, did I think we would lose that game.
  15. You would make them available to the mentally ill?
  16. Tom- I think the key issue you touched on was streamlining things. I see very little that can't be simplified. As far as Gay Marriage goes- I don't even like that term. Marriage is marriage, regardless of color or orientation. I am not for federal intervention, but if states are going to go as far as putting it into their constitution, it may become necessary. I prefer the teachings of President Benjamin Franklin!
  17. Rk- you are above that. That is the same as telling someone who doesn't like the health care bill (if anyone does like it), to move elsewhere. This country is about ideas- some we like, some we don't It's a shame people aren't as open to debate as they should be- and that isn't really directed at you, it is to the "Love it or leave it" crowd
  18. Why would you pose a question to wingnuts- on either side?
  19. The only people that used that word much where I lived were blacks- they stopped, when they saw it made me uncomfortable. I never said it was perfect down there. Sorry about your bad experience down there, but my experience does show there are a lot of good people down there as well. Good and bad people are everywhere.
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