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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Can you and your conservative friends please talk about my raise being bigger?
  2. That may be an effect, but I highly doubt it was the intent. As was previously stated, it doesn't matter. What is in there is the legal description of a tax, which makes it a tax. Calling me the strongest man in the world doesn't increase my bench press. By the way- I think the Romney campaign did a horrible job in not attacking this more, last week. By drawing it out, they will have to spend more time on it later, which takes them off their message, which HAS TO BE jobs. All he did was constantly parrot what he previously said about repealing it. This is going to be a very close election, no matter how you look at it. He lost a golden opportunity to take control.
  3. That is correct. Although I think your scenario would be better suited to a recovery as it would reduce the obvious conflict. Better for one party to be in control and make mistakes than for nothing to be done at all. If they don't get a super majority, I expect to see the democrats use the all mighty filibuster to keep the ACA in place.
  4. I don't see either party controlling the White House, the House of Representatives and Senate again for quite some time. The country is way too divided.
  5. This is one of the more interesting thoughts on the law, but I raise a question to it: If it spreads the resource more thin than it was, wouldn't that lead to more people getting into the medical profession, due to more opportunities?
  6. The only thing I find relevant is that my premiums haven't changed, my deductible hasn't changed, my co-pay hasn't changed and I am getting a raise.
  7. That is irrelevant. If he called it a space shuttle, then what would it be? What if Sir Ironfist called it that?
  8. I can't see single payer happening- ever.
  9. Wow, if someone referred to me as a kid, it would make my day.....must be my age getting to me. I think you know what it means- don't disrespect the modern day Lombardi!
  10. Laws are a lot like food- the more ingredients listed (pages), the worse it is. As far as the margin goes, that is the measuring stick for constitutionality- a 5-4 vote the other way is all it would have needed to be stricken down. It isn't nearly a perfect law, but has some good things in it. The biggest shame about it all, is that both sides can't just come together and find ways to improve it (By some of the intelligent posts on both sides, that wouldn't be hard to do). But then again, that type of process might be unconstitutional by a landslide.
  11. I think Dick Jauron finds the name you are using to be offensive.
  12. It is Constitutional, because the majority of judges confirmed it as such. You may disagree with it being a good law, but it is a constitutional one. Our system may be broken, but I find it preferable to much of what I see around the world.
  13. That's quite nice, Sunshine. America is the best for me, that's all I really care about. Does saying that we are the best eliminate the deficit? Does it end the threat of terrorism? No, it doesn't do any of that, Sunshine. That is mere semantics, a waste of time and energy. Now go back to watching Star Wars for the 1,000,000th time.......
  14. Wrong- you don't like it, and I have no problem with you not liking it (don't read into that statement, I'm not trying to piss you off). The fact is that the Supreme Court found it constitutional, because it is. Good or bad policy doesn't determine constitutionality. As far as Judge Roberts goes, he should find what an entertainer or political organization thinks about his decision, quite irrelevant.
  15. It would be interesting to see a study in about 10 years if it stands- Did we pay more for other people's health care before or after.
  16. Does it really matter? If you love the country- great. If you don't, get out there, vote, and try to change it. What does the distinction of saying "We're the best" do for you anyways?
  17. That's why all the affecting laws need to be stricken and we need to start over. Editing won't fix the problem. Agreed- you can't legislate intelligence.
  18. I believe you are referring to President George W Bush. While he wasn't one of the best presidents ever, I think history's view will be kinder than what you say. Part of a president's legacy is defined by world events. He had no say in 9/11 or Katrina happening- events that could have marred the presidencies of President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln. President Nixon? He had some personal shortcomings, which led to his exit, but the worst president ever?
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