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Everything posted by Adam

  1. The premise of this thread is absolutely moronic- I would use another word, but it is trademarked by one of our moderators The neocons are so up in arms with John Roberts decision that I guess they would like him removed and have President Obama name a replacement. I am sure they would be very happy with that. Second- it isn't a tax or a penalty. For arguments sake, lets just call it enhanced interrogation techniques, since what you call something overrides what it actually is.
  2. Hate to tell you this, but lots of friend that have visited me in New Mexico and Mississippi were shocked by how friendly people were in those places, in contrast to Buffalo. There are good people in Buffalo, just like anywhere else, but there is a negative, unfriendly vibe, in general.
  3. Yes. I just picked up an apple Bluetooth keyboard. Works awesome and isn't horribly expensive. The iPad is a wonderful thing.
  4. Didn't get the memo? I worked hard on that memo. I am offended.
  5. yes and Romney would be wise to say that before too much damage is done. This is a topic that is easily finished off. As far as Romney having raised significantly more money, we are nearing a point at which that will be meaningless. He should have spent significantly more by this point. You can't spend it all at once and have it be effective.
  6. It doesn't matter- mischaraterization has been going on for a long time in elections. With the amount of research voters do, it isn't surprising.
  7. It shouldn't. They should be upset with our taxation system, not the guy who reacts to it.
  8. Jimmy McMillan 75% Jill Stein 75% Barack Obama 73% Ron Paul 72% Mit Romney 43%
  9. So why doesn't he just say that and be done with it? It really is that easy.
  10. Come on Chef- when have I cared that millions disagree with me. I'm a Bills fan, after all
  11. Romney's handling of the Baine issue is extremely brutal. His job was to maximize profits- not to hire domestically. Why is it so hard for him to end that topic.....
  12. No- President Bush did not wreck it. He could have done some things better, but circumstance (ie: 9/11) didn't exactly give him plenty of time to think things through.
  13. First- You've been driving? Second- how can you be sure he wasn't serious? Third- You've been driving?
  14. A more appropriate question is what has the government done to improve the economy. It never comes down to just one person. There has been a lot of demogouging from both the White House and Congress, instead of taking action- which isn't always a bad thing.
  15. All part of the cycle this idiotic electorate follows. Vote democrat. Vote republican when the democrats don't get it done. Vote democrat when the republicans don't get it done. Rinse and repeat......
  16. The question is, will competence help at this point? Gridlock in Congress will hamper any president from getting anything done. The space between the three branches has become cramped and is causing enmity between all of them. Nobody trusts anybody. It would be political suicide, but the way to fix things is to reboot and revamp.
  17. I thought you were doing that anyways
  18. Personally, I don't care what our politicians look like- they do an exhausting job. As far as talking about a foreign country, that's her job. As far as Palin, she really isn't what we saw as McCain's running mate. My friends up in Alaska (both democrat and republican) thought her transformation from governor to VP candidate were startling. Both sides held her in high regard as Governor.
  19. You aren't kidding about that, but I will happily take the extra $$$$
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