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Everything posted by Adam

  1. That's weak. One of the holy grails of both sides is that certain things, like tax reform are talked about but not touched- as that costs votes. We treat the debt like it isn't a problem, because the steps needed to fix that will also cost votes. If our politicians thought those issues wouldn't cost them potential election, they would have been taken care of already.
  2. And if George Washington had been president when 9/11 happened and was forced to take actions afterwards, or if he were forced to deal with the economic calamity that ensued, due to the slowdown of the world economy, he wouldn't be viewed highly either. The shrinking of the world in relation to events has changed our viewpoint of our leaders dramatically- it is a far more complicated job.
  3. Personally, I think these people who want to let them expire and make more ammendments to the tax code are nuts. The tax code is too big and unmanageable. Throw the whole thing out and start from scratch- that way, each side will be forced to come to the table instead of merely saying that doing something would be nice.
  4. Sorry, Sunshine. I don't watch that genre. I didn't say that i advocate doing nothing. I am for thoughtful, intense debate between the two sides. Doing something because there was a tragedy and we feel that something must be done, isn't enough and usually causes problems.
  5. Well, if I ever want to go there, at least I know who to ask for directions. Thanks, Sunshine
  6. While it is a discussion that needs to be had, the problem isn't the law abiding gun owners. It is the crazy people that the law won't really affect, anyways.
  7. Now come on Dev. I practically put that one on a tee for you. Can't you phrase it a bit snappier than that. Show some appreciation.
  8. yes. Our government needs to crack down on what can get into movies and when. Looks like somebody has tapped into their inner socialist.
  9. I agree, but that is how the media works. Are you saying there is something wrong with the way things work in America?
  10. What a disappointing end. You started that so well,, with the point that crazy is the problem.
  11. I agree with that statement. If a gun owner wants to leave a loaded gun on the desk, they shouldn't have kids. Of they keep it locked up, where the kids can't get at it, that's great. Guns are a necessary evil, until the day comes where the bad guys can't get them.
  12. I don't know what you are referring to. I was referring to the specific example of a parent being responsible for storing the firearm in a place where their kids can't get at it, nothing more. Regardless of which side of the argument one stands on, the prospect of a child accidentally firing a gun is terrifying.
  13. In some cases yes, in others no. But it is the responsibility of the owner to make sure that nobody weilds that weapon that shouldn't be.
  14. Hmmm, that's not what I got out of it. Sure, a line has to be drawn somewhere as to what types of weapons a civilian can have, but that line isn't so easy to draw. I have so little knowledge of weapons, I wouldn't even guess where that line should be.
  15. not really. Evil is a convenient, but false man made paradigm. It really doesn't make sense. Nothing more than a tool to make people fall in line.
  16. Well- I won't tell you that you're an idiot!
  17. I was there.....Sting came out a few times. it was great!
  18. Agreed. Glad they could protect themselves. Crazy people out there...... Now that's just nuts- we all know dogs can't talk!
  19. Probably not- this kind of nutjob will always manage to find something. I do applaude that you are willing to look at all things though, to prevent a catastrophe, such as this. It would be nice if a day came when we don't need guns. I don't see that being during my lifetime.
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