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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I don't think eliminating guns will stop murders completely, but I also don't think discussion about anything should be off limits. I may be wrong, but it sounded like you were insinuating that it shouldn't even be discussed.
  2. It can swing either way and back again at any given minute and will swing back and forth like a pendulum over the next few months. The left survived President Bush. The right survived four years of President Obama. The world won't end, regardless of who wins (although in December, it may end, anyways)
  3. Well, it is a bit cold under all that ice!
  4. Not really- I was focusing on something more important at work, and that detail slipped by. I usually let that go by, as I am not sitting around and doing nothing all the time........ LOL, that cracked me up!
  5. Sorry (no, not really, I am just prefacing my statement with that), I have a life and a job and didn't feel I needed to actually look that up. No go back to you own mindless and lugubrious equivocating.
  6. Wrong. We are where we are, because politician pander to the 24-hour news cycle and to the lowest common denominator, which is growing into a majority. The fact is that we are running the country into the ground on a document which is over 200 years old and written by people who probably were gone before the first modern automobile, tells all we need to know. We continually laud these founding fathers, but don't want to think like they did.
  7. So you respond to name calling by calling them Obamabots. Interesting......
  8. It is pretty safe to say that this lunatic would have done something terrible, whether he had a gun or not. Would people with guns in the theater have made a difference? I can envision a scenerio, where a guy jumps up, shoots him and ends it. I can also see him missing the lunatic, due to how dark it was and killing something else. I have a problem with both sides trying to use this in their arguements for/against gun control, because we can't see into alternate realities as to how any changes would affect what happened. I see two dillemas 1. Civilians should be allowed tools to defend themselves 2. There has to be a limit to what those tools can be What should those limits be? Heck, I don't have a clue- I couldn't define the difference between an automatic and non-automatic firearm, aside from saying one shoots faster than the other. I think people can be reasonable on this, if they are listened to. Bring both sides together and hammer something out- I think the NRA would be more than willing to be a part of that and I think some of the people on the left would be shocked in finding out that the NRA doesn't want no limits.
  9. Not much has changed for me over the last 10+ years
  10. as an administrator in college athletics, it is sad what is happening to wrestling. It is a great sport and a huge part of human history.
  11. It clearly was a mistake- and he said that he should have done more. It was a mistake that he was trapped in, later on. I haven't made a mistake of this magnitude, but I have gone out of my way, to do things for friends. It may overshadow some things, but doesn't erase them- like the rest of us, he was a mixed bag. He never could live up to the image people had of him. And It may sound like I am defending him- I'm not. I think people are making it out like this is the only thing that happened in his life. Those people are very wrong.
  12. I'm sorry, KD it CT, but that just isn't true. While all the good he did, doesn't make his mistake defensible, the mistake shouldn't obscure the good he did. He screwed up trying to defend a friend, and somewhat admitted that it was wrong. Demonizing him for a mistake is just as bad as making the guy out to be a saint, in the first place. He was no different than any of us.
  13. Something to remember is that the schools are NCAA members- not just the athletic departments
  14. The big thing to me, is that nobody has to lose a scholarship- the returning players and incoming players are set with what they were expecting. If a player wants to leave and go to an unsanctioned school, they get an unconditional release. That was the best they could do to make it less punitive to those who did no wrong.
  15. I understand the anger, but the reason that penalty has never been used again, is because it is a mistake. It is a tough issue- I was angry with the NCAA until I started thinking about it. The athletic department was used to bring in the kids that were to be abused- the institution at some point became aware of this and didn't stop it, despite knowing what was wrong.
  16. He's upset about the shooting, as are the rest of us. I really think he is well intentioned on this, although I don't agree with a lot of what he is saying will fix the problem
  17. I know someone on the far left- when this person starts a sentence with "The Republicans", I usually cringe. I also cringe when the neocons talk about what America stands for, as if no other opinion can be valid.
  18. Joe- mental illness is a sad thing. I personally had it affect my family for over a decade- none of us want things like this to happen. There are things we can and should do to prevent them- we need intelligent discourse and to avoid knee jerk reactions. Trust me- I live about 10 hours from what happened- Colorado has been through a lot in the past few months. I don't hold us as a bastion of anything, I just try to do the best that I can.....
  19. George Washington probably would be better than either of the named presidents, but with so much more to do, than there was in his day, there still would have been problems. I think the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent economic decline would have led to him being demonized. Then, many would go after him if we do intervene in other countries, while other would if he doesn't intervene. That was a much simpler time- before the industrial and technological revolutions and the nations of the world were a lot more isolated.
  20. It has been awhile and I am getting up there in years- I don't remember all of the details of the Ryan plan, but from what I remember, I liked many aspects of it. We need to cut a lot of things- we also should have taken a big look at Simpson/Bolls. Spending cuts (including military), entitlement reforms and major tax overhaul. That is a lot to do, so our government needs to get to work for once......
  21. Didn't he take shots from both sides of the aisle?
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