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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Maybe instead of worrying about how much Mitt Romney pays in taxes, we should worry about how to cut spending. I am sure some of the great minds of this country can find a way to lower the cost and improve the quality of both healthcare and education, while devising a plan to rebuild the soon to be failing infrastructure of the country in its entirety. Furthermore, why not look into why we are spending so much more on our military than other major countries, while our military is so far ahead of theirs. Sure, there would be a cost associated with looking into that, but it could save us long term and make things more efficient. I can't point out the inefficiencies and redundancies, but we all know they have to be there, as it seems we are overpaying for everything by a lot. If we stopped wasting energy and time trying to point the accusatory finger, things could settle down and get done. But Romney's tax returns are more important.........
  2. Afghanistan probably happens regardless, after 9/11
  3. I am pretty sure there has. I'm drawing a blank on when
  4. That doesn't wook. I've watched Spaceballs
  5. For the most part, I think switching from electoral college to popular vote, would do little more than change where the candidates do the majority of their campaigning.
  6. Are you not a fan of our very efficient military?
  7. I didn't mean to tie it to the tax issue. Helping others is pretty honorable, IMHO
  8. Adam

    Hey- unless you have moved down here, you may need to sue for infringement. I noticed a B-Man's BBQ in Lubbock, Texas, yesterday!! lol

  9. I don't think I would put him on a pedestal for doing what is expected- and I do expect this type of action. Why wouldn't somebody use the tax code to their benefit? Now if he took those profits and donated them to a viable charity or something like that, then, I would put him on a pedestal. As far as the original thread, Reid should be ashamed of himself.
  10. I'm good with that. I just wanted to make sure you didn't misinterpret what I said. However, we are a nation of laws, and as bad as banning guns would be, they would be illegal in that case. No worries as it is just as likely as the banning of abortions.
  11. Ha. I don't know if you are arguing with me or yourself. Wanting to ban guns is nonsensical to me, but if they were illegal, you wouldn't have one in your hands, regardless of how cold or dead they were.
  12. The funnier thing is that I highly doubt that is ian actual indication of your attitude- most gun owners are pretty sensible, If gun owners really had that attitude, it would be much more of a problem. While the people who are against guns are wrong in many aspects of their argument, their fears are very real and should be discussed. There are some people who shouldn't own them or have easy access.
  13. What about the first election! I want a recount.
  14. Someone poked Mitt? Didn't know he was on Facebook........
  15. He always was better than Steve Young
  16. I never said we should just throw up our hands and do nothing
  17. Oh, it definitely doesn't, but there is a low ceiling to economic improvement, as things are much more interconnected than they used to be. Not much either candidate can do about it, although they will act like there is.
  18. I'm not- I just think it's funny to hear people talk about the candidates' plans to 'fix' the economy. How good do they think our economy can get, when the rest of the world is doing so bad.
  19. Well, you don't think our economy is in a vacuum, do you? The world economy will continue to drag ours down- with Europe at the forefront of that.
  20. Which candidate is best suited to fix the European economy, so they can resume buying our stuff?
  21. Just getting on you a bit- those statements just sound like you are talking to a lot of people, when it really is just a minority. It is worse when the politicians do it
  22. Yes, because we are all die-hard liberals and we all condone his actions..........Thanks for playing.
  23. There has to be a reasonable line- I consider you to be very reasonable and I don't see you arguing to have a rocket launcher to protect yourself, nor do I see the NRA arguing that they should be legal to own. That comment was about your statement about taking your truck away- nobody argues stuff like that. Although, I am not quite sure I feel safe with you driving out there
  24. Is anyone making that argument, or are you playing politics by putting words in their mouths?
  25. I'm not getting on any argument. I just think we have the need for discussion on the matter- without either side having a knee-jerk reaction. If we get the that point, maybe the NRA could chime in as to where a line can be reasonably drawn as to what a citizen can own, instead of having to be defensive about the issue. That would be more helpful than anything.
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