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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Who is to say that my reason isn't a fairy tale? Maybe it is. What it is can't be explained, so the description fits. My intent of the use of 'fairy tale' was to point out that it can't be proven, not to diminish the value to the people who holds the faith. The issue is that my faith does nothing for you and yours does nothing for me- nor should it be expected to. Don't kid yourself. Have you ever been bitten by a sandwich?
  2. I agree with you wholeheartedly and used the term "Fairy Tale" as a way of describing something that can't be proven- it may have come off as a bit harsher than intended, but that is a problem with discussions that aren't in person.
  3. Sorry- it isn't something I share with people I don't know personally. Some people like to be open with their religion and that's fine.
  4. A personal experience that is not suitable for a message board.
  5. I believe in God. I believe in an afterlife based on what you do in this life. I believe in treating people well. I got criticized by people of all religions for this, which I take with a grain of salt- if their religous beliefs make them feel happy, good for them, they don't need mine at that point.
  6. Goodness gracious.....then I have been inflicting society with the worst jokes imaginable for decades. I should be locked up.
  7. Not an atheist at all, but I don't participate in organized religion. How do you inflict traditional marriage on someone- do you force them to marry someone? I know people who would prefer the death penalty infllicted on them
  8. Ok, and as I said, if you were directing it at me, it was pretty atypical. Aside for a few crazies, the tea party is a fairly productive part of the process. The people who hate them don't like debating, they like to be affirmed.
  9. I didn't EVER say that. I'd say it is pretty atypical of you to put words in my mouth. People who believe them are neither good, nor bad. That is defined more by how others interpret their actions. And for the record, I have pretty much defended the tea party.
  10. What is the reasoning behind wanting to change it? They are fine, as long as they don't inflict those fairy tales on others.
  11. Pretty much- it was written by man and nothing can be proven. Pretty much the equivalent of a fairy tale.
  12. The only people who seems to want to ban same-sex marriages seem to be quoting the mythical bible, so I would call it a religous issue, more than legal
  13. I probably mean that I should be careful posting, when I am working on something else Not the first time that has happened, probably not the last. There are a lot of people who wrongly want laws passed about this, it should not become a legal issue.
  14. Economic Left/Right: 0.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.82 The double negative threw me too.....not even sure if I didn't answer right......
  15. Not him specifically, but there are a lot of people who want the government to interfere in who can and can't get married. Hope you don't eat there every day. Processed chicken product is just as bad for you as processed beef product.
  16. The fact that people are trying to get laws passed to ban certain types of marriage between live human beings is discriminatory, and in effect, limiting freedom. Now, if a church doesn't want to perform the ceremony, that is 100% perfectly fine. I don't think it's right, and I have just as much right to that opinion and that specific church has to theirs. It doers NOT, however, justify the mistreatment of employees- many of whom disagree with the owner's stance. I don't eat there anymore, because it is very unhealthy, but customer service wasn't the problem- the sense of "I can treat people however I want" that pervades the younger generation of this country is the problem!
  17. Doesn't even involve the restaurant itself. It is about the owner wanting to restrict freedom.
  18. Stuff like that is why I am extra courteous, when taking care of stuff at the airport during weather delays. I have seen horror stories as to how those people have been treated, despite the fact that they didn't cause a storm, nor did they build a plane that couldn't fly through it. The Chick-Fil-A issue is very troubling, but the people that work there did not cause it. I for one, haven't changed my habits as far as that place goes- I don't eat their processed chicken product. I prefer real chicken over charcoal.
  19. It took me to a few of your posts, one with a dead link and another with a link that took me to a site with a ton of other links. I am sure the site installed all kinds of nice stuff on my hard drive......
  20. That doesn't follow any type of logic. We knew that the Taliban harbored terrorists, so we struck. I think any sitting president would have committed to that war. Iraq is debatable, but not Afghanistan.
  21. No. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!
  22. That rich people cheat the system and people on welfare all that way because they are lazy. There are good and bad in every classification.
  23. Yes, the democrats have the ACA and entitlements, while the republicans hold fast to tax breaks and the military. Neither wants to budge, because doing that allows ground to the other side. Each time one of them wins, we lose........
  24. Both aren't the same, but the other statement is an overgenerallization of both groups
  25. Never said that- find the redundancies in everything. Eliminate them. Prioritize. It is that simple. I'd bet we'd have money left over to be reducing the deficit. Even not being an economics major, it looks to me like we haven't made intelligent decisions. When you make the top job of your politicians to simply retain office, you tend to make bad decisions.
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