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Everything posted by Adam

  1. As a guy who saw a lot of him in college and in Cleveland- no way. He won't make it at this level
  2. I don't think it can be done and to be honest, I always though it was bad terminology. Are any taxes really fair? Life ain't fair.
  3. Rob- as always, direct, to the point and highly intelligent. If you were running Mitt Romney's campaign, he would have won the election. Tough thing is getting the tone of the primary changed, as winning that may have cost him.
  4. Correct- many of the independents also hold independent religious views. The right wing fundamentalists where I live really alienated a lot of people. If Romney's campaign focused on those people, instead of the zealots who speak god's word, he probably would have won. Instead, the moron spending the money and coming up with the campaign, moved more towards those people and away from electability. Enjoy the next four years, and prepare for another four, with Congress moving to the left, if you don't change.
  5. Yeah, that +5 really made a difference. Having more independents would have made a bigger difference than having lots of fundamentalists. It doesn't matter that Mitt Rmney isn't a crazy right winger. His campaign portrayed him as one. He is definitely a decent man and may have won if somebody who knew what they were doing was running his campaign.
  6. The republicans have had it handed to them by the independents for the last two presidential elections. If they pandered to the independents instead of the fundamentalists, they Romney probably would have won, handily.
  7. The either the economic destruction party or the "voice of god" party. Hate to say it, but the later didn't get beat by the democrats in the last two elections. It assaulted the ndependents and got its butt kicked two straight times. Take on the independents and you will lose. It won't be a contest. That is what America is and will forever be.
  8. And if you don't have a war tax, you don't have a war. And if you don't have money, you don't have entitlements. It goes on and on,, but nobody wants to hear it. Unfortunately, they want have a choice, soon.
  9. That is a commonly held misconception. The president can help create temporary jobs, but that doesn't fix the problem Yes, they are. And they will be doing that for a long time. I also heard President Carter's name mentioned quite a bit during the election.
  10. You can't create the bill to sign or veto. There is power. It is different, but definitely not equal.
  11. Was that President Bush or him and the Congress that also was elected. I can't remember.
  12. The election is about the electorate. While that sounds plain and smile, most things are. What you said in the last sentence is usually true, but in some scary cases in history, it didn't hold true.
  13. You get sarcasm points as well. This is going to be a fun day. For me at least, it can be a terrible day for everyone else.....
  14. I haven't read the argument here, but I give you a plus two for sarcasm.
  15. I can agree that we are right of center on some fiscal issues, you do have a point on that. The fact that the republican party wants to be the party of religion, is alienating a lot of people. I couldn't care less what religion they choose, to a rational person, they sound nuts on some things. And sure, it might tighten their base, but you don't win elections based on that. I am not saying that to rile people up- I hope they adjust. If they don't, another group will take their place.
  16. I will check that PBS special out. Very eloquent synopsis, LA, I don't remember much of that time period, but I will keep that in ind, whenever my schedule allows me to check some info out.
  17. Agreed- I don't understand why, but so many people in this country seem to prefer being angry. I received a message from a friend of mine, whose son is near the end of the line in fighting cancer (I won't share too many details). I find that more of a subject to get angry about than politics or religion. It is internal conflict that is bringing down our country, more than our external wars.
  18. If you know of any good books about Ronald Reagan's life and presidency, please let me know. He was in office when I was really young and all I hear from people is how great or terrible he was. My assumption is that as always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Regardless of political affiliation, he comes across as a genuine and sincere person.
  19. I think you are being a bit harsh on Romney- I don't have nearly the problem with him, that I do with the American people who think everything that supports their stance is fact. Still I would say that the re-election of President Obama shatters the myth that we are a center-right country. We haven't been for quite some time. The Republicans have soem good ideas, but if they don't become a part of the country, they will fade into oblivion
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