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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Hey- as someone who has been involved in education, I agree with you wholeheartedly....but, the man has a sterling record (and I dont mean just W/L), are we t let one slip of the tongue overshadow his life's work? He has no history that indicates that that one comment is what he is about
  2. What happened in Oklahoma is typical ESPN turning race into a storyline- yes a storyline. I think Vince McMahon runs ESPN now. I dont condone use of that language, but they saw another opportunity, just like when Rush Limbaugh made that comment last year (What was he doing on that show to begin with). A casual conversion in private, and they turn it into news. Anything for a buck ESPN, anything for a story. A guy with a crystal clear record ruined in 1 night, just so ESPN can afford to put another pepi machine in the newsroom.
  3. We'll know in a few months....I'm really getting excited about this team- its taken time, but I finally think this is Donahoe's team. May our former GM enjoy seeing us have our first winning season since we left, as I'm sure he'd be very happy for the Bills and their fans.
  4. I think TD and the coaches know more about what they want, and who can do what they want than Clayton. Clayton does know football as well as they do, but there is no way he can know what type of players we need.
  5. Well, Bledsoe was the quick fix, and didnt work- so we have to build a team, and it requires much patience.
  6. We'd go nowhere w/Holcomb as a starter- he's not near good enough
  7. The TD bashers are people that only understand instant gratification- something that usually hurts you long term, but these people dont understand what the words LONG TERM mean!!! Hopefully they apply to Donahoe's stay w/the Bills!!!
  8. I think I used one in the pool as a kid!!
  9. I didnt notice these guys getting drafted- I wouldnt mind seeing us pick up these guys- and Shazor as a backup safety!
  10. He's coming off an injury, but he's one of the top rated centers out there.....wonder if we'll get a chance at him.
  11. Donahue might be a fool, but I'm glad DONAHOE isn't!!
  12. I got my fingers crossed!! Lets get some fat guys!
  13. Chris Spencer- we still havent recovered from Kent Hull's retirement.
  14. Go get a hug from Trish Stratus.....it'll make you feel much better!!!
  15. I'm not pro bush, and I think Moore is an idiot.
  16. we'll know little for at least 3 years....they havent played a down yet
  17. Well, you could decrease the population to fix the problem too!
  18. How about the Vikings being so worried about getting a bust a couple years back, they just didnt pick until a few spots later
  19. I didnt give a roody toot if fwootie was cuddly or cute.
  20. I'd trade him for a 2nd and third this year, and a first next year....first round holds less value this year
  21. Kinda like the Smurf language- one word can literally mean anything!
  22. Stupid war? Is the war stupid, or is the entire himan race for having a need to go to war.
  23. Now, I don't tend to agree with the left on a lot of issues, but to say they don't think terrorism is a problem is ridiculous. To limp all of them as homosexuals is unfair, and to be honest, there are some homosexuals that I am very proud to say I call friends. Neither side is always right.
  24. Thats the problem- we look at the party that didn't win the election as losers, further alienating them.
  25. Just because a party lost an election doesn't make their opinions any less valid. Thats what makes our country great- differing ideas. Too bad the tolerance levels have gone down, and the radicalism on both sides up.
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