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Everything posted by Adam

  1. When the news isn't happy, then I AM happy- our media sucks. Anything they dont like has to be good- it is filled with terrible people who do would sell their parents souls to get a story
  2. Sith, Clones, Jedi, New Hope, Empire, Menace
  3. You've obviously never watched American Idol then.
  4. All the first ammendment gives is the guarantee that the government will not make a law to restrict free speech- but anyone can restrict speech or expression, and do it VERY legally.....for example, the Bills could kick out fans cheering for Miami....wouldn't be practical, but they have the right to do it.
  5. Amazing how relevant they have made 30 year old characters....too bad that type of creativity is pretty much dead in hollywood these days
  6. never said you didnt. I dont always agree with him- but he's not as good or as bad as the liberal and conservative media make him out to be.....and I think he's a bit smarter than some people think.
  7. Revenge of the Sith is simply the best movie I've ever seen. I walked away from that movie with the same feeling I had as a kid walking away from Star Wars IV A New Hope in the 70's as a kid. You really could throw out all the special effects in this one, and it wouldnt matter at all. The character development, plotline development, and buiold up of suspense is phenomenol- it actually diverts your attention from the fact that you have already seen the next movie. I could watch it 100 times and it never would get old
  8. There are a lot of tyhings to both like and dislike about him- and some definitely overlap. At the end of the day, you respect the office of the President of the United States, regardless of what you think of him. I am proud to be an American.
  9. Rich, I agree with some of your sentiments- they would kill people anyways.......but to say its just a book is just wrong.
  10. Len is from ESPN....therefore, we should not respect his opinion
  11. 1. Odomes- big play guy, great at jamming WR's 2. Winfield- Great all around player 3. Clements- has the potential to move up 4. Kerner- underrated cover guy 5. Smith- good cover guy, stone hands 6. Burris- a bit slow, but very smart 7. Kirby Jackson- underappreciated cover guy across from Odomes
  12. Hopefully everything will work out
  13. screw the media....they think they are entitled to do whatever they want....they really need to be taught a lesson.
  14. Back Yard Burgers down in Mississippi blows em all away!
  15. I never really watched CBS news. Was he that bad, or was it just his stories involving the Bush's that turned opinion on him. I wish there was a real news station that reported news, instead of slanting it....CNN and Fox have as much credibility as ESPiN
  16. its flutie magic......gotta be
  17. That they will win the superbowl?
  18. If the law says he should go to jail, then he should go to jail. I think you enjoy that a little too much- the guy has a problem, and people shouldnt derive enjoyment from that just because they dont like what he says.
  19. Is there a fox sports radio station in Buffalo- the only place I've heard one is San Antonio
  20. I had that same problem with the riddler
  21. That makes more sense than anything else I've read so far. He is not completely innocent either.
  22. I would think both sides are right and wrong....I believe in a little of both- but the fact is that we are too primitive and stupid to ever know
  23. I think this is oversimplification- one should not spread their ideas through the educational process- that is brainwashing, regardless of which side does it. Both sides with their plusses and minusses should be presented to our youth, and its up to them- not their teachers or their parents, where they end up- if they even agree with either side.
  24. I couldnt agree more- the very saying of "N-word" without saying it offends me, no matter what color the person saying it is
  25. The problem with free speech is that some people think it means that you are allowed to say whatever you want, whenever you want, with no consequences. It merely means that the government cannot pass a law abridging speech. I wish the constitution would be clarified, so that the people who keep extending their rights can no longer do so...this is off topic thoug, just a rant
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