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Everything posted by Adam

  1. They arent even a lock to win their division- Lindy's picked Detroit, who could have a potent offense....I think Chicago could be good if Grossman can step it up right after the injury. Tampa Bay will be good offensively with Cadillac Williams as well. Williams better take one step at a time, especially at his age.
  2. You are correct- making nice with terrorists will not stop them. They are not retaliating, they are trying to exterminate. We must exterminate them first- this is not a political game, and innocent lives will be lost- its a cruel fact of war
  3. How about a lawsuit for failure to provide contracted services- causing irrovocable harm to the team
  4. And that goes out to everyone- liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, and independents. Its high time that we all realize that we're on the same side, even if we have different ways of doing things. I think we're all proud to live in the greatest country in the world.
  5. He is now my favorite player- I hope we get him. Its about time somebody mouths off to the fans....fans think they can say whatever they want......they can sure dish it out, but got nothin when it comes to taking it.
  6. I left Cookie off the list, but hopefully someday.......
  7. Add Corey Louichey to that list
  8. Her competing makes me sick- the fact that she is good is the only thing that separates her from Todd Marinovich. Her parents dennied her a childhood, just like TM's took his away from him.....anything for a free ride, I guess.
  9. Both sides have a point that the other will not recognize- that is the problem- cool rationale debate, followed by the democratic process will solve all
  10. Now I dont like hunting for sport, but I think that is a definite oversimplification....I'm sure there had to be more than that to the man if he was elected president
  11. Glad to see that I'm not crazy- or maybe we both are then! lol
  12. Well, everything is in the context of what was happening at the time, so I find it hard to say- especially considering my limited knowledge. I recently read some very good things about Theodorre Roosevelt- so I might try to read up on him.
  13. Next thing you'll know there will be a law stating that you dont have to obey the law
  14. Sometimes its right because its so obvious!!!! Some people don't seem to like Duncan because he's substance over style.......funny thing is that the silent majority actually wants that!!! We don't need no MTV stars!!
  15. It was a rare good show on a horrible channel
  16. Actually, I left out left or right- its both sides that wish to point the finger at the other instead of correcting the problem. Its not the republicans that are responsible for 9/11....nor is it the democrats- its the terrorists that did it.
  17. Well, what the judges say is not final, and to be honest, what those guys say is laughable- half of them probably forged their HS diploma. Congress should ammend the constitution to invalidate the so called ruling, and put those people in their place.....I'm ashamed they are part of their government, and their families should be ashamed of them as well.
  18. And they didn't like the patriot act? These "Justices" now prove to be hypocrites- I believe a court judge can be impeached. Hopefully some of these people will be removed before they can use more of their power to line their own pockets AGAIN.
  19. And curiously enough- both administrations concurred on wanting to get Sadaam out of power....something that I'm sure frustrates the wing nuts
  20. Ok, I'm not on either side. WHO WAS PREPARED? I couldnt care less in pointing fingers as who was to blame, and its time the MTV/CNN/Fox demographic stops falling for finger pointing! Finger pointing does no good at all- you solve the problem by fixing things, not by playing politics.
  21. I dont know an awful lot about Stern- I just tried listening once, didnt find much humor or points of interest....just profanities, and low brow attempts at humor....never checked him out again. My take is that he'd be perfect for what MTV is.
  22. Hollywood is out of touch with what people want- they give us fluff....we want substance- imaginiative storylines that make you think!!!
  23. Luke Does- thats his father!
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