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Everything posted by Adam

  1. This is a great opportunity for the UN to steal more money after a tragic event.
  2. Clinton vs. Bush- and an independent will unanimously get elected
  3. This is going to be one of the worst disasters ever........I shudder to think of what will happen
  4. League ID#: 223706 Password: okra
  5. I agree- the thing that irks me about last year's election is when you hear people say if you vote independent that your vote doesnt count. Those people did not learn to count in grade school, nor do they understand what America is about. Every vote counts- whether its for someone who has a chance or not- it still affects percentages, and can make the race that much tighter.
  6. I will never forget that day- I was working in my office when someone told me about a plane crash...I thought that was terrible, but didnt think about it too much. When I heard about another, I figured something strange was happening. I tried to go to cnn.com, but couldn't- then I figured something serious was happenning. For the next hour, I was transfixed on the tv, watching in horror. After a girl came in sobbing, because she didn't know if her dad escaped, I had to leave on my break, just to get out. Its a shame that it has been so politicized, that who we blame has become bigger to some than the tragedy itself.
  7. My heart goes out to anyone who lost a family member in battle, however, I will ignore her hysterical spew
  8. I would settle for a bi-partisan ticket
  9. At one point, I thought the war on terror was a mistake- that our government was screwed up, and all we were doing was pissing the terrorists off. When I think about it- thats ridiculous- did any Al Quaeda members protest tthe 9/11 attack would piss us off, and make us go after them more? No, the thought probably never crossed their minds. We don't do what we do to piss them off- we do what we do to exterminate them- which is the right thing to do....completely erradicate them from the face of the earth. Will innocent people die on both sides? Yes, of course. Its a war, and that is what happens in war. It is unfortunate, but if my life were to end, but terrorism was stopped, then so be it if it keeps one of you alive (granted, I am no soldier, but my life is no more important than anyone's). Many of us have put more on Bush than he should get credit or take blame for- Fahrenheit 9/11 is a farce, and Moore is no more credible than Limbaugh. The world is a much smaller place than it once was- a band of thugs reached us in our homeland, and with a whole country behind them, they could do worse damage. America needs to start ignoring the partisan messages the evil media sends out, and band together- democrat, republican, liberal and conservative- the terrosists cant win against us.
  10. You take that Hulk Hogan comment back now or else!!!
  11. I laugh at that quote. I hate TO, and his attitude and grandstanding. The "its part of the business" trash is getting old. Report something once, then update when there is new news. Bring this information over load $%$%^#%$ to an end. Intelligent people are very sick of it. "This situation has mushroomed far beyond what should be considered adequate coverage, and Terrell has become the media's favorite whipping boy. While this is discouraging, Terrell knows this is part of the business. To the fans he simply says that this was an isolated incident that was not premeditated. Terrell in no way wishes to be a disruption to the ultimate goal of winning the Super Bowl. In fact Terrell has gone out of his way to diffuse the tension by keeping to himself in all non-practice related affairs. During practice and work related situations he has been and will be attentive and responsive; Terrell only asks what every other worker in America asks for, respect and dignity."
  12. I would like to see everyone be with family and friends on 9/11 every year, and EVERYTHING close down. I think it would be very good to reflect on those lost on that day, and to renew our anger and determination against those who caused the tragic event- an anger that must never die.
  13. Dude- get a clue....Holcomb is simply better than Couch. ooops, wrong board...sorry!!!
  14. I think we're on the same page
  15. It probably wasn't Mr. Wilson- it was the dancing man from six flags
  16. You are correct- I just won't watch it- but I am annoyed that the REAL reason that it was aired- not to inform, but for the almighty dollar. Our media is about entertainment and ratings, not about educating and telling the facts.
  17. I think you're misreading me- I'm against giving that scumbag any type of forum- the only time he SHOULD be on american TV is while he is being executed.
  18. I'd say it was from Fahrenheit 9-11.......Moore insinuated that George HW Bush researched our defenses back in 2001, so he could assist the terrorists with their 9/11 attack. I'm embarrassed that I was fooled for a while by this buffoon. That is the most baseless accussation I've ever seen. Anyone with half a brain can see how false that HAS to be!
  19. Sorry, but I don't want to know why the terrorists do what they do....I just want to know that they aren't alive, and can't do it anymore. Not saying that you are wrong, and that I'm right, but I was just stating my opinion.....I know there are plenty on both sides of the fence........nice to be in a free country
  20. After signing Coleman and Andruzzi, and getting Faine healthy, the Browns might have a better team than us. Their defense has to be better than last year, and Dilfer is better than Garcia ever dreamed of being.
  21. The people responsible for the interview should be arrested, and held without food, water, or anything until their reveal his wearabouts- they have no constitutional right until they do so.
  22. College Football doesnt need a playoff system- it is not there for your entertainment.
  23. Less room behind the net is stupid- so much offense can be generated from behind the net. There is nothing wrong with ties- the media tells us we don't like ties, and that we want to see a winner. No- we want to see hockey! Shootouts have nothing to do with hockey. Why no automatic icing?
  24. New England Patriots: 13-3 The team is awesome- I dont expect a lot of drop off on D, but the fact is Crennell was a great DC, despite Bellichick taking all the glory. Brady will carry the offense, while Dillon steamrolls. Buffalo Bills 8-8 Great defense wont lose too much despite losing fat Pat. There are a lot of guys who can do the same thing, AND were drafted. The offense will be better than last year despite plenty of mistakes from a first year QB- who will get much better towards the end of the season. Miami Dolphins: 8-8 They really improved both lines, and have some playmakers. I think Saban will be a coach of the year candidate. New York Jets: 6-10 I think Curtis Martin gets off to a good start, and finally starts fading. They can be run on, and outphysicaled. Look for MaGahee, Dillon, and Miami's 1-2 punch to run all over them
  25. I know people in red states who did vote for Kerry- who say there is no way they'd vote for Hillary Clinton. If she gets thenomination, they might as well not hold an election.
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